

I <3 my falcon

— evarno Report User
Intelligence is sexy 12 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
how about neither c:
Animal facts 6 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
are the ducks not at 270°?
But at night... I am naked 6 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
but hes naked now
Coffee is life 7 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
coffee is what wakes me up
Yet another one 14 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
theres so many nice cars in this pic
idk why they're so far from the camera
The coolest cats around 15 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
I would trade my cat for the hitler cat
Google maps 14 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
plough straight through the earth :P
Vegan 53 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
Everyday 4 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
You're (not) Fired! 8 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
This sounds so much like maccas it isnt funny
British English vs. American English 21 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
Australia is a bit of both
This happens when a helicopter is in a sand storm 5 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
chinhooks are cool :P
The almighty and his temper 5 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
3 comments that i clicked on in a row had you commenting that
Know your instruments kids 25 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
you guys are all crazy
its a harmonica
More like finishing a tv series. After dexter, I didn't believe anything in life 6 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
pretty much me after watching apocalypse now; that shit blew my mind
at least he won't get lice 6 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
There's Les Pauls everywhere...
As an overwhelmed college student 5 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
drinking isnt very mature imo
Dear diary 5 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
I plugged my old computer in the other day and tried to logon.
For the life of me, I can't remember the password :c
bwhahaha yes exactly 8 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
You mean 4?
And the Selfie of the Year-award goes to 6 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
Same jet...
I also wanna be a pilot (RAAF)
Nature, what are you even doing? 23 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
What a chemedian 5 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
Two atoms are walking down the road.
One says to the other: "I think I've Lost an electron"
"You sure"?
"I'm Positive"
Sneaky samsung 12 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
Theres no way im buying an iphone in the first place...
My geography teacher just drew this map out of his mind 21 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
i would like to criticize it but then i realized i could barely draw my own country well
Creativity wins 9 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
Am I the only one that thinks that chair looks way too low?