4 more years til I'm 21 26 comments
· 8 years ago
how tf doesnt it taste good?
The true mvp 8 comments
This man. This man deserves all the medals 6 comments
· 8 years ago
I remember watching a doco about the Vietnam huey pilots, and a guy was telling his story about bringing out the last few soldiers and he was one of the last helis out. He fit on everyone except one last guy, and he spent the rest of his life stressing and worrying about that poor last soldier. In the doco he was telling the story sitting next to another medivac pilot said he came in after him and picked up the last soldier
the poor bloke was in tears
the poor bloke was in tears
Stepping in puddles with socks on... 11 comments
· 8 years ago
until your feet sweat, the sweaty shit builds up in your socks and rot your feet
Finding the best value for money 5 comments
We should all be less hateful towards others insecurites, both cases happen way too often 18 comments
Old comedy movies are the best 3 comments
Marketing done right 3 comments
Money won't buy happiness, but it doesn't hurt 22 comments
Intense 22 comments
Every time 2 comments
· 8 years ago
I was gunna say turn the screen off but then i remembered that laptops are a thing
We stop for nothing 35 comments
· 8 years ago
remember the the pearl harbour movie?
they were doing their music piece when they got attacked, and started playing at warp speed
they were doing their music piece when they got attacked, and started playing at warp speed
Girls know the struggle 12 comments
New @ Mention Feature! 143 comments