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Society sucks

Society sucks

The cat fat scale!

The cat fat scale!

This house that looks like a church dedicated to a religion of upvoting

This house that looks like a church dedicated to a religion of upvoting

Half ringed opposite

Half ringed opposite

Yacare caiman who is about to feast on its buddy

Yacare caiman who is about to feast on its buddy

BBQ like this just hits different…

BBQ like this just hits different…

Pulsed nitrous uptight

Pulsed nitrous uptight

16 years ago today Bruno Mars was surprised to see Pete Wentz

16 years ago today Bruno Mars was surprised to see Pete Wentz

Man lies on the beach in the Spanish city Ceuta in northern Africa after swimming there

Man lies on the beach in the Spanish city Ceuta in northern Africa after swimming there

Saved pernicious humongous

Saved pernicious humongous