Baby knows what's up 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Well, he's definitely straight or bi.
when your parents are sleeping & you remember all the noise they make while you sleep 4 comments
· 9 years ago
What about all the noise YOU made when you were a baby, I think they deserve a little revenge. (not a parent, just sympathetic)
Sexuality explained 13 comments
· 9 years ago
"I drink water" hahahah wonderful explanation. I'm using that analogy now.
Be Your Own Best Friend 13 comments
Exactly. 8 comments
· 9 years ago
God: Fuck you guys, I'm not kidding around this is Judgement Day!
Everyone: OMG, soooooo gonna instagram this right now.
Everyone: OMG, soooooo gonna instagram this right now.
i have a boyfriend and this is still true 78 comments
You missed 'Bacon':The meaning of life 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Hmmm, good question. I think it's a mixture to be honest, Latin eventually evolved into Spanish, French and Italian through MANY factors. However, I agree that religion played a primary role.
Good guys 8 comments
· 10 years ago
To answer your question. The tree used at Christmas is supposed represent Jesus's genealogy (you know, like a family tree), with the star of King David resting at the top of the tree, who is of course Jesus' direct ancestor through Mary. This blood relation allowed Jesus to ascend the Jewish throne (which formally belonged David) which is why he is often referred to as King of the Jews.
Edited 10 years ago
You missed 'Bacon':The meaning of life 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Correction: Latin deserves the credit, not France. The Romans were originally responsible for the term ineffablis. (I'm a Latin student)
You missed 'Bacon':The meaning of life 18 comments
Does it make me a bad parent if im like this? 53 comments
Does it make me a bad parent if im like this? 53 comments
· 10 years ago
Believe me, I wish it weren't the case more than anyone...but this life is cruel. We live in a violent universe, within an even more violent world.
Does it make me a bad parent if im like this? 53 comments
· 10 years ago
That's not always the case, in fact, it's a little naive to believe that your family and friends will always be beside you. While it's a sweet sentiment, your family will pass on eventually, and you need to learn how to deal with life on your own. In this cruel world, you need to learn to rely on yourself at times. The sooner this girl realizes that life is unfair, the better it will be for her. She won't hold on to unrealistic expectations that let her down. Children is a critical period for nurturing resilience not dependency.
This generation 5 comments
Does it make me a bad parent if im like this? 53 comments
· 10 years ago
No it doesn't. What, you'd rather lie to your child? I wish my parents were brutally honest with me, then life wouldn't have been such a shock...
Be honest with them, tell them that life is harsh (this is not a pessimistic view, it's realistic), that some people are mean, that you won't always win and that things won't always go your way in life. Trust me, you'd be doing them a favour.
She may not understand it now, but someday she'll realize that this was a valuable lesson.
Edited 10 years ago
Be honest with them, tell them that life is harsh (this is not a pessimistic view, it's realistic), that some people are mean, that you won't always win and that things won't always go your way in life. Trust me, you'd be doing them a favour.
She may not understand it now, but someday she'll realize that this was a valuable lesson.
God's sense of humour 21 comments
· 10 years ago
Opinion? According to the law of prescriptivism, it's most certainly a fact.
God's sense of humour 21 comments
How Greece decided to deal with its debt 10 comments
Helping the princess 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Awww, I'd never leave Wendy if dragons were that nice. We could live in the castle together and be best friends!