Yara T. Mohammed


Yara T. Mohammed Report User
Seriously?! What happened? 57 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
I don't care that this was two weeks ago. I will reply. 1. We are NOT, I repeat, NOT forced to wear a hijab. We are required by law (not our religion) to wear an abaya (which is a black robe), for the sake of decency. Not all of us like this law, but we arent killed if we don't wear one. I can open it all the way, and no one can fucking call me out on shit. 2. I can go out to the mall, every weekend with my friends, without a man, and no one except for my parents can tell me not to. 3. Islam teaches that a woman is a sacred creature and is worthy of all forms of respect. Human beings just suck. It is the governement that considers us to be non-human. 4. Never in my life have I heard of such a law where a woman is stoned for being raped.
5. We fucking despise Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Hamas just as much as the next people, mind you. They are not controlling anyone except those who are completely un-able to fight back.
This is not Islamic Extremism, Islamic Extremism would be rather peaceful-
How to deal with a b*tch ex-gf 26 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Dignity.. she needs it.
Fat v skinny 13 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
She would be labeled as an arrogant bitch who has an over-inflated ego, even tough it's the exact same thing as what the heavier person posted.
All it takes is a paper cut 19 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Isn't that generally a result of steroids?
Different types of grammar 34 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
It's supposed to mean that the grammar of all these languages is really hard, and fierce, whereas English has really easy grammar in comparison.
Halloween in the future 16 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Evil, Anarchy, and terrorism are not a stereotype. They can be in anyone. Whether it be the homeless or billionares. Evil is not a stereotype.
The best things start with an s 35 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Different types of grammar 34 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
The best things start with an s 35 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Nobody claps when I do my job properly 21 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Appreciation of a safe flight? Appreciation of the crew that made it happen? Appreciation of the pilots who made sure the plane didn't crash? Maybe.
Halloween in the future 16 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
And what exactly does a terrorist look like? There's a stereotype for those, too?
Nobody claps when I do my job properly 21 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
You kow what grinds my gears? When people don't appreciate the pilot who managed to not get them killed. Jus' sayin'.
Sad or the saddest thing ever? 14 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Reread my reply, I said "IF THEY (A zoo) lacks sufficient funds". I never said that I think THIS particular zoo lacks sufficient funds.
When I watch a nature documentary in HD 9 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
This is the cutest thing I've seen all week.
Sad or the saddest thing ever? 14 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
You both have very good points, and I do appreciate their efforts, but I still think that if they don't have sufficient funds to give every species their ideal habitat, the zoo should not start at all. I am a bit of an extremist when it comes to this, so it's unlikely I'll change my mind.
Sad or the saddest thing ever? 14 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
This is what is known as Animal Abuse. If you don't have the proper capital to provide the appropriate conditions for the animal, then save money and don't buy it. You can then use that money and fix other animals' exhibits.
How to know if someone is too old or young for you 81 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Or you could just, you know, date whoever the fuck you want as long as it's not illegal?
No random girl you can't touch my hair. 18 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
I think it was 40%? If I remember correctly?
My life... Is a lie 22 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
A egg.. a egg... this is making so uncomfortable,I have no idea why.
ST 34 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
I honestly never understood the conflict between science and religion. I was raised in a completely Muslim family and MOST of us believe in things such as Evolution, the Big Bang, etc. There is evidence that cannot be disproven for both things in this case, and most schools that teach Islamic Religion (sans the ones that were started specifically for it) also teach all three fields of science (biology, physics, chemistry) extensively.
Pretty accurate 23 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Is it bad that I'm a freshman and I'm already on the second picture???
Public fridge 7 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
People here are either wealthy enough to live an above average life or poor enough to have to beg at road intersection and red lights.
Future Me. 7 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
If you mean the movie, then it's Monster's University.
Disney 12 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Not only are they doing the same dance, but according to my knowledge (I could be wrong), every movie back then was drawn by hand, every frame. So it makes sense that they could recycle that one part and just change the details. I'm just putting it out there.
Is it Halloween yet? 10 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
That first one is beautifully terrifying.