Yara T. Mohammed


Yara T. Mohammed Report User
Top of my list of "Things I will never do." 23 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Sometimes I hate the continent I'm on. This is one of those times. That thing looks sick.
Treating mental illness like it's 28 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
I understand that, but I just wish it weren't like that.
Treating mental illness like it's 28 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
It should never ever go that far. I'm one of those people who think lowly of themselves (not a plea for attention, so don't give me pity) but know what they deserve. The moment I feel a relationship is toxic, I'm done. Someone should really help her, and as her best friend, I think guest should.
Treating mental illness like it's 28 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Then why doesn't she just dump his sorry ass?
I can't put into words how accurate this is! 14 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
This has been happening to me on a daily basis.
Left handed people will know 12 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Writing in Arabic with your right hand does that, because Arabic writing is from the right, not left.
2 · Edited 10 years ago
How to understand women 9 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Even women don't understand women, we are confusing as fuck, and I do shit that I don't even know why I do.
Some women wink better than others 11 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Hayley Williams though.
Think twice about not saying thank you. 12 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Your username suits you sir. I'd have done the same though.
Finally the bieber cult is ending 14 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
They aren't bad influences though.
Anniversary 27 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
*cough cough* Courtney Stodden *cough cough*
From someone who actually gets migraines 28 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
I did a while back. Apparently, it's genetic, and my dad's side of the family is full of it. My mum said she'll take me again soon.
From someone who actually gets migraines 28 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
I always get them in class and it's awful because the school "nurse" always gives me medicine for fever thinking I was over-reacting or exaggerating. She gives me a placebo.
From someone who actually gets migraines 28 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
It's actually in the books that people with migraines and cluster headaches attempt to knock themselves out by hitting their head against a hard surface. So, unless you want to ram your head against the wall, you don't understand.
Bet that person got axed 16 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
If you ever feel stupid...
Happy weekend m8 83 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
I realised not to look it up when I saw it was hidden. Just sayin'.
Anniversary 27 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
But they can have a "I'm-gonna-marry-a-millionaire-and-get-famous-for-it" mentality.
From someone who actually gets migraines 28 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
No, I'm pretty sure they're regular migraines, I just get them in an extreme form, mind you. It's a genetic thing, my dad's side of the family is full of it. Cluster headaches are horrid though, my dad once had one for a good three weeks.
· Edited 10 years ago
From someone who actually gets migraines 28 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
That is the closest someone has come to describing it! Thank you! I just tell people to imagine a "regular" headache x2 and it's all settled in one side (Generally behind my eye). I get them on a regular basis no matter where I am!
From someone who actually gets migraines 28 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Migraines are horrible! When I get a migraine one eye gets so blurry that I can't see anymore, and if it goes too far I throw up. The worst part is that I need extra strengh pills to soothe it or they don't work. They are not "just headaches".
It's Not Very Nice Either 22 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
I live in a country full of illiterate idiots who think women are unholy, and anyone who listens to music is going to hell, so I know what you mean. Good luck dealing with such a mindset.
It's Not Very Nice Either 22 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
Someone gets it! Amen.
It's Not Very Nice Either 22 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
I live in the middle east so calling her African American is not an option.
It's Not Very Nice Either 22 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago
It's like one time, at the mall, I said "Oh! I Like that girl's bag!" When my friend asked which girl, I said the black girl. I was immediately accused of being racist. There's a difference between knowing the person's ethnicity or background, and thinking you're better than them because of it.
Treating mental illness like it's 28 comments
eyesthathear · 10 years ago