I never realised how badly I want this! 8 comments
· 10 years ago
And then Sherlock saying something like "you need this?" And kohn being like " No shit sherlock"
Let’s All Take A Moment To Appreciate The Majestic Trail Camera Deer 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Prongs what are you doing? I thought you where just going out with moony and padfoot
I bet it's the matriarchy that did this 35 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes, they do, but you're forgeting that women also pose for photos like that. I'm a girl and I think gender equality. None of this feminism shit. You make it sound like you and men are on complete different sides
I bet it's the matriarchy that did this 35 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm a female and I honestly think feminism is stupid. Girls say that they are under pressure for how their body works and what they wear. Is it not the same for men? Do men not have standards set by the opposite gender? If a girl says that she wants a tall guy with abs, no one cares, but if a guy says he wants a short girl with a skinny waste, everyone goes crazy and tells them not to set standards. Everyone has diferent ideals and different opinions, so I think we all need to just calm down. Gender equality is all that maters and feminists need to calm down! If a guy stares at your tits, take it as a complement! Because you can't tell him not to look at you like that, when you check out there abs :/ all I'm saying, is that we need to get over this and just move on........
10 things 14 comments
Something no one seems to know about prison life 27 comments
· 10 years ago
Many mistakes are made during teenage years, and I think that once you have served your time, they should be forgotten, that you shouldn't have a criminal record hanging over your shoulders. You where young, you where dumb, experimenting with things that had always been forbidden, and you got into trouble, but jail for most teens, is a wake up call, and they leave with a better Veiw of life, and how they should behave, but the thing is, other people don't forget, other people think your still back.
For gods sake their just kids! I don't think any one over 20 can look back over their teenage years and say that they didn't do any thing they regretted.
For gods sake their just kids! I don't think any one over 20 can look back over their teenage years and say that they didn't do any thing they regretted.
Bear waiting to take revenge 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes because to BOND with nature is to kill it's inhabitants. What an asshole. Hunting as a sport should be banned, unless you actually plan to eat what you kill. I see no need to go out into the forest, kill something so magnificent, take a photo with it, and then disregard it's body
Advice 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't see how I'm an ass hole for sharing my opinion. No offence was meant but clearly you took it. Just because I don't like facial hair, doesn't mean you can call me an asshole. And I don't see how it was directly offensive. I didn't take any offence to people saying they liked facial hair, yet you feel the need to take offence at me disliking it
We can at least give it a try 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Instead of redirecting it to people who could really use it, like all the starving and homeless people out there who are more important then what's behond our atmosphere
Advice 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I made the same point and people are getting sooo mad at me. Lol it's actually quite funny. Just because I don't like facial hair
Edited 10 years ago
Advice 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm sorry, I didn't know I wasn't aloud an opinion. Seriously. It's what I think! Why are you all working your selves up on this? Just because I don't like the same things you do. I personally don't like facial hair. Why is that such a terrible thing???
Advice 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I didn't know people could get so agrivated by my opinion. I'm sorry that's just what I think, and no matter what you say, you canot change it! Oh and to the idiot who used hitter as an example? Your a fucking ass hole. I'm not killing any Jews just by saying that I don't like facial hair.
Advice 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I said no offence was meant. It's my opinion. And no people don't have pubes on there head because pubes are hair that comes during puberty. And I wasn't bald till puberty soooo
A bit of banter on the whiteys 19 comments
· 10 years ago
My god the poor dog!!!!!! Get your shit together man because that is not cool!
Advice 25 comments
· 10 years ago
Beards are disgustijg no offence. They are literally just pubes on you face
I decided to give it a try 133 comments
· 10 years ago
' the lift was empty when it arrived' well I guess that's does explain a lot