

— Famousone Report User
Learn the difference 21 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Sport hunters do a lot to support local economies while wiping out animals that pose a threat to their own species. If you wanna call someone out, call out the poachers.
Just a thought 5 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
That ain't a half bad idea
Stay Out of Syria 36 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Bet you assholes really wish we invaded back before it blew up.
I think I have done the same thing with a stapler 10 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
And here I thought it would just explode
Now thats a headline 4 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
The key difference is that Rommel never stooped to the lows that "proper" Nazis seemingly raced to.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Soldiers are meant to protect their people. In that regard, General Rommel may well be one of the only parts of the German military to not fail in the worst way.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I don't think there's any better way to put it
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I'll bet he was just a good old-fashioned patriot.
My country right or wrong.
If right, to remain so.
If wrong, to be set right.
It's so complicated 20 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Or they could pray to the forgotten gods.
Excellent observation 3 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Says you
Not sure if he actually said this, but it's true nonetheless 2 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
What about going to war when someone else is attacked?
6 · Edited 7 years ago
wise words from Mr. Jackson 17 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I'm not talking shit about ADHD, I'm actually doing the opposite.
ADHD is considered a mental illness in many circles, so by maria's criteria, you'd lose the right to own a gun.
I was arguing against that.
Cold War II: Canada vs Finland 5 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Soviet forces pulled out the very day Simo woke up.
wise words from Mr. Jackson 17 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
OCD, minor addictions (tobacco, weed, caffeine, ect), anxiety disorders, ADD/ADHD.
wise words from Mr. Jackson 17 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Too bad that's a very broad statement.
Worst power you can be stuck with? 168 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Night/thermal vision
Just a shower thought for tonight 10 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Unless it's consensual
It May Look Like A Cardboard Box, But It's So Much More 4 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Snake would love this.
So long as it can still function as a box, at least.
The victory of the nerd 6 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
With that kind of money, competing just doesn't matter anymore.
PSA 81 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I've never looked a show up before watching it.
Simple solution for a possible ww3?! 5 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
What about moral imperative, regional influence, or trade?
Degradation 3 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
That's about a quarter of my jokes
In the name of Odin! 25 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Downvote me instead of explain. No better way to respond to an honest question.
Simple solution for a possible ww3?! 5 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Until a guy with a bigger army takes on a smaller nation that another large nation can't, for whatever reason, let fall. Unavenged at least.
Like Germany, Poland, and Britain respectively.