

— Famousone Report User
Well, I didn't expect that. 46 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I could say the same about Trump voters.
i hate this hellsite 61 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Frankly, I can't make heads or tails of your comment.
Well, I didn't expect that. 46 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I few million is well within the margin for error. Especially when you consider how many people didn't vote.
i hate this hellsite 61 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
You're seeing what isn't there.
i hate this hellsite 61 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
None of them indicate fascism.
i hate this hellsite 61 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Trump says bad things. He's rude, but that doesn't matter. The media is biased against the political right, illegal immigration is hurting Americans (born and naturalized alike), we've been fighting wars seemingly intending to lose, and other nations have been taking advantage of the complacency of past administrations.
Trump isn't trying to subvert checks and balances, he isn't cutting deals with terror states, and he isn't persecuting groups of citizens just for disagreeing with him.
Comparing him to fascists is an affront to every man, woman, and child to have suffered because of real fascists.
i hate this hellsite 61 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Good riddence
Whitey McWhiterson 16 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
My view of her is colored by past comments.
Scientists will get it 3 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I get it! Does this mean I can do the science?
Well, I didn't expect that. 46 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I was rooting for Carson, but I'd take anyone over Sanders or Clinton.
Frankly, I'm pleasantly surprised by Trump.
2 · Edited 7 years ago
Whitey McWhiterson 16 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Exactly! Most things aren't about race, so there's no point acting like they are!
Lab safety caution 8 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
My science teacher had a poster of blind girl with the caption: "Sally didn't wear safety goggles; now she doesn't need them"
Thanks 3 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Too bad they overstayed their welcome and became the tools of mafias and Democrats.
Sure, electrician 25 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
The commissars were. Secret police too.
Justsayin 4 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Without restraint, desire will lead to ruin
Excuse me, Officer Allegedly? 2 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
The hero we need 8 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Accounts can be traced.
If someone calls you anti-social, quote tesla 13 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Willfully ignorant? Only a few of his ideas were applicable at the time, and others were impractical at best.
If someone calls you anti-social, quote tesla 13 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Tesla was a jerk. Who died penniless with no company save for pigeons.
Warning: Im glad we're at the day and age where you guys don't defend rapists 28 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Burden of proof is on whoever makes the claim.
Warning: Im glad we're at the day and age where you guys don't defend rapists 28 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
All he wants is some proof. If the sentiment is really so widespread, then it should be easy to show him some.
HIStory 4 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Don't be an idiot.
Warning: Im glad we're at the day and age where you guys don't defend rapists 28 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I get the point, but the jerks that blame clothes are usually talking about street or party rape, so this point may fly over their heads.
Warning: Im glad we're at the day and age where you guys don't defend rapists 28 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Send the survivors to prison.
3 · Edited 7 years ago
Come on now... Really? Why?  18 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
They aren't trigger happy, we have a large population, and isolated incidents get blown out of proportion.