

— Famousone Report User
Isn't it spooky how this guy never ages? 90 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I don't want anything to do with a pure democracy. Societies need rule of law above all else.
America never was a democracy, this is a republic where rule of law reigns.
Isn't it spooky how this guy never ages? 90 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
That's not what I'm saying at all. If you are only here to put words in my mouth, or make a straw man of me, then I have nothing else to say.
Isn't it spooky how this guy never ages? 90 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
The majority are just as fallible as any other denomination.
Isn't it spooky how this guy never ages? 90 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I want a system where all parts of the republic have an equal say. That isn't possible, so having an electoral college is the next best thing.
Isn't it spooky how this guy never ages? 90 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I will never support a system where 51% can rule over 49%. No matter who is what side.
Isn't it spooky how this guy never ages? 90 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
US is a lot bigger. Wouldn't be fair for the rest of the country to have to play by California's rules.
What if......What? 10 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Has a lot of potential, but it'd be better if so many people hadn't fucked it up.
Well that took a turn :D 5 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Is the top half okay?
Aren't we all trained professionals? 6 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I love this comic!
Well, I didn't expect that. 46 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Third was referring to me first reply on this thread
Well, I didn't expect that. 46 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
You didn't even take the chance to prove me wrong.
Well, I didn't expect that. 46 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
My comment was meant for third, sorry for the confusion.
Well, I didn't expect that. 46 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Do you even know how to make an argument? All I've ever heard from you are insulting generalizations, straw men, and a stubborn unwillingness to even mention Hillary's shortcomings.
· Edited 7 years ago
When a deputy saw a man getting chase by two dogs, he pulled up to help. The Result: 10 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Alternatively: Cop beats black man's dogs, forces owner to watch
Live and amazing life 7 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
This makes me happy-sad. Is there a word for that? I don't think bittersweet is quite right.
When a deputy saw a man getting chase by two dogs, he pulled up to help. The Result: 10 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I can't decide if this is amazing or terrible...
33 · Edited 7 years ago
We are all monsters 28 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Mattis 2020!
But in all seriousness, I agree. We deserve better candidates.
We are all monsters 28 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Even IF all of that were true, I'd still take him over another Clinton. Bill fucked trade and the military, him and Clinton both have been caught selling out to America's enemies and rivals (Iran and China in particular), and Hillary herself has been caught leaving soldiers to die when help was only hours away, as well as trying to cover that up along with whatever else was on her unsecured server.
I'd take a pinko like Bernie over her, at least Trump has been a pleasant surprise so far. Taking the war to ISIS, backing the Kurds in the middle east, starting the process of unfucking education, putting China on their backfoot. There's been a lot of good.
We are all monsters 28 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I understand people preferring Sanders or Clinton, but your baseless hatred of Trump seems to have blinded you to at least Clinton's faults.
This is supported by how you paint Trump and his supporters as Nazis, nevermind the fact that half the voters backed him, even in typically blue zones, and that ABSOLUTELY NONE of his policies so much as toe the line of fascism.
We are all monsters 28 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
You aren't even worth arguing against anymore.
You have passed the point of reason.
Whitey McWhiterson 16 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I think she's the last Chinese person...
But yeah, she's mixed.
i hate this hellsite 61 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
He's not taking away rights, he's relegating it to be a state issue.
Wouldn't have noticed 16 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I noticed before I read it.
What point is OP trying to make?
Yay 11 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Me first!
Yay 11 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Big or small, I love them all