

— Famousone Report User
She doesn't know what she's talking about 44 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I stopped reading when I read "in wars the US shouldn't even have been in". If you cannot understand or acknowledge why we acted, then I have no desire to entertain what other points you would attempt to make.
an accurate representation of the forty-fifth president and his followers 87 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Never apologize for voicing what you believe in. A loss of diversity in thought is one of the greatest tragedies there is.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
She doesn't know what she's talking about 44 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
We'd still get by just as well, there just would not be so much cheap labor for jerks to exploit.
It's not out fault second and third world countries can't take care of themselves.
She doesn't know what she's talking about 44 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
She compromised countless military actions, investigations, informants, and ruined diplomatic relations in the region.
War is an ugly thing, and Manning only made it worse.
If Bradley was more discriminate with the information released, I wouldn't hate Chelsea as much as I do.
Yeah,british 21 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
As an American, that is a lesson I had to learn to keep close to heart. No country has a perfect history, and blaming the son for the father's actions has never ended well.
an accurate representation of the forty-fifth president and his followers 87 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Your sentiment is appreciated and mutual.
Yeah,british 21 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Can't hold people responsible for histories they had nothing to do with.
Unless they embrace those histories, but I don't recall hearing any British calls to bring back colonialism.
Teddy Roosevelt’s Dark Day 7 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
This is when his legendary willpower began to fail. His daughter died as well. After a lifetime of telling the Reaper to shove it, he invited Death's embrace.
best line ever 19 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
It's not allowed, it just isn't illegal, nor is it common enough to warrant a response besides animal abuse charges.
She doesn't know what she's talking about 44 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
It is lazy. In the west, at least
an accurate representation of the forty-fifth president and his followers 87 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
He drew a line, and America had an obligation to defend an ally from a hostile aggressor.
As ugly as it is, sometimes war is the answer. His refusal to follow through cost him and America a lot of credibility.
an accurate representation of the forty-fifth president and his followers 87 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
The US was obligated to defend Ukraine as an ally. Even Obama seemingly turned hard-line. Until he refused to stand by the line he drew in the sand. No point now.
an accurate representation of the forty-fifth president and his followers 87 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
We should've gone to war over Ukraine, but that ship has sailed. No reason to now.
an accurate representation of the forty-fifth president and his followers 87 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Misinformation? I thought they only posted stuff found in the servers. And I haven't heard any evidence of the hackers being affiliated with the Russian government.
And it is important to remember what's wrong with Clinton, because so many of those against Trump seem to think Hillary would somehow be better.
an accurate representation of the forty-fifth president and his followers 87 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Could be better, but he's an improvement, and far better than the alternatives.
She doesn't know what she's talking about 44 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Don't forget South and Central America and Southeast Asia.
4 · Edited 7 years ago
Kind of like double dragon 16 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I wish there was a version where Archer made it.
The whole debacle is why I'll never forgive Kobin. If there's ever a chance to get rid of him, I'll take it.
Kind of like double dragon 16 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Splinter Cell Conviction had a co-op mode that went like that.
an accurate representation of the forty-fifth president and his followers 87 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Just be glad the assistance is only money and information. Nations have committed to wars, revolutions, and assassinations to influence another's election.
Though personally, I'd take Russian support over Chinese or Saudi any day of the week.
an accurate representation of the forty-fifth president and his followers 87 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
There is no Russian shit the president is involved in. That's just a narrative CNN is running with. Even if that meeting his son had was illegal (nevermind that the lawyer wasn't acting on behalf of the Russian government), Trump can't be held responsible for his adult son's actions.
Tweet of the day 7 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
Florida already decided that machetes were viable self-defense tools
Tweet of the day 7 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
I love Texas
Budget cuts suck 13 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
This is where capitalism proves it's worth.
Vote with your wallets, people.
famousone · 7 years ago
I see no problems with any of that.
Roses are red,I really mean it 28 comments
famousone · 7 years ago
There is nothing irrational about my reasoning.
A man raped (a crime many consider equal to or worse than murder) a woman, so her husband (traditionally the protector of the family unit) set out to avenge his wife by subjecting her attacker to pain equal to or worse than rape and simultaneously prevent the attacker from hurting anyone else in the same manner.
More than reasonable, and arguably merciful.
10 · Edited 7 years ago