

— Famousone Report User
Let's not talk about it, though. That would be "disrespectful"... 75 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
Shoot outs are a rarity. Gangsters prefer drive-bys, ambushes, back stabbings, and whatever else leaves as little chance of facing resistance as possible.
Nevermind that it'd be a lot harder for them to menace decent folk who are able to meet lead with lead. That alone would deter more crimes than the police ever could.
As for "more effective" weapons, gangsters always prefer cheap and/or flashy. Most of them have records, or use the black market to purchase smuggled or stolen weapons.
· Edited 6 years ago
Let's not talk about it, though. That would be "disrespectful"... 75 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
Nobody in their right mind wants to start shit when everybody is strapped. Those who are out of their mind would be dealt with summarily.
Let's not talk about it, though. That would be "disrespectful"... 75 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
The FBI fucked up. Laws only work when they are enforced.
Memory 17 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
Nothing to be done for it. Live and let die.
Memory 17 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
So what if the most important day in somebody's life was just another Tuesday for me?
No use sweating over it, there's nothing I can do about it one way or the other.
Rest in peace to those killed in the shooting 76 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
People likely to harm themselves or others are already barred from owning firearms.
Rest in peace to those killed in the shooting 76 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
So I was wrong. Thanks for setting me straight.
As for that bit about the FBI wasting resources and not doing their jobs: What else is new?
Rest in peace to those killed in the shooting 76 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are all fundamental rights. Effective arms falls under liberty.
Rest in peace to those killed in the shooting 76 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
I heard something about it being from an extremist group. I haven't confirmed it, but it makes more sense than the fucker being lucky enough for everything to fall through in the time span his purchase was being processed.
The other side Spider Man. 8 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
FEELS 32 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
Best people
Rest in peace to those killed in the shooting 76 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
You want your kids to live? Don't punish the innocent, or threaten our rights. Instead, prepare for those who do not care about anyone's lives or rights.
FEELS 32 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
If that's all you're hearing, it's a big sign you aren't listening.
I gave you my logic, and you haven't even acknowledged it to dismiss it.
Way to straw-man me one last time too.
Goodbye, and good riddance.
FEELS 32 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
It's more than hard enough already if they'd just enforce the laws already in the books.
And I know for a fact that the edit didn't happen until after my response, because my response would've addressed that point too.
And there you go trying to straw man me again. I advocate for constitutional liberty, not anarchy.
The founders had puckle guns and cannons, watched weapons evolve in their own lifetimes. They wanted the people to have the means to resist conquerors and oppressors alike, foreign and domestic. Should freedom of speech be restricted to a printing press? Why not?
· Edited 6 years ago
FEELS 32 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
Not to mention, the entire point of the second amendment was so that people could defend themselves from foreign and domestic threats. The founders would think that the laws are far too tight as it is.
FEELS 32 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
Strawmanning is exactly what you're doing.
Also, it's a pretty dick move to change the content of your comment AFTER it's been responded to. By your logic, the first amendment should be restricted to the printing press.
It's not about the guns. It's about what they represent. A means to provide for and defend oneself.
Without liberty, there is no life. I will gladly sentence the world to constant strife before I even consider a comfortable subjugation.
FEELS 32 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
And get rid of soft targets.
This test will clear up your priorities 9 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
No, we've been cutting back federal overreach and letting the individual states decide what they are willing to tolerate.
Just because we aren't willing to throw money at empty promises, or hold our own people at gunpoint doesn't mean we're neglecting anything.
Friendly reminder 32 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
He's trying to equate dogs to insects.
FEELS 32 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
Don't make me into a straw-man, I never said anything about this is okay.
Liberty is more valuable than life, but that is no excuse to be stupid. Someone fucked up if he was able to get a gun with a violent record, but I will not sacrifice my culture, liberty, and autonomy to fear.
If you are willing to sacrifice any liberty for the illusion of security, then you are willfully blind and ignorant to both human nature and history.
This test will clear up your priorities 9 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
It doesn't have to be one or the other.
FEELS 32 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
American Revolution
Slave Revolts throughout history
Polish, French, Italian, Soviet, and other resistance groups
Mujahideen resistance of Soviet scorched earth operation
Six Day and Yom Kippur wars
Millions upon millions of Self-defense cases throughout history.
Pray tell, how the hell is a person supposed to preserve their liberty without arms?
Congress is not supposed to fund schools. That is the responsibility of the states and cities. A distinction that is rather important for federalism and checks and balances.
And laws don't exist to stop criminals, they exist as a deterrence and so that there are prescribed ways to deal with those who act to harm others and society short of lynch mobs.
· Edited 6 years ago
FEELS 32 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
Life is not more important than liberty.
That is my nation's first value, and I'll be damned before I let us relinquish that in the face of fear. Before I let us relinquish anything.
Aside from that, stricter laws will do all of jack shit for the United States. We have millions in circulation, the black markets at the borders are out of control, and criminals don't care about laws.
It's not good that these shootings happen in the first place, but paper isn't gonna do a dann thing to stop them. Step back and look at this realistically. All the laws in the world won't stop it, but there are countless records of any resistance being enough to mitigate loss of life. Why not give those willing the training and the means to better resist?
Never raise your arm as a Nazi salute in Germany 28 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
Nationalism is not a bad thing. It never has been. What's bad is letting dictators and warlords in the U.N. have any say in how the world should be. What's bad is forcing nations to relinquish their culture, safety, liberty, and history just to accommodate people who already fucked up their own countries.
Your way is only sustainable if it is applied in a way that would make the most imperialist and power-hungry men in history blush.
FEELS 32 comments
famousone · 6 years ago
He'd just get one illegally.
And that's assuming there is anything on his record that would bar him from buying one.