

Famousone Report User
Good meme, upvoted 1 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
American Sniper and Saving Private Ryan are like, anti-propaganda.
Captain America as a character did start as a propaganda piece, but his depiction in the MCU isn't.
Haha over lol 26 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Oh no, that would never happen. It would be like a congresswoman trying to keep a list of political opponents and make Mccarthy look sane and reasonable.
*sees "Trump accountability project"*
Healthcare for some 87 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
I had to deal with much of the mess just as an Army medic on clinic or hospital rotations.
· Edited 3 years ago
A bit sus 47 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
We don't want to be either Superman or Homelander, we just want to fuck off and look after ourselves.
A bit sus 47 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
International rules mean nothing when drafted by Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Putin, or any of the terrorists and warlords given representation. Nevermind that, by it's own structure, the US recognizes no law above the constitution. Not even God.
Trump is trying to bring us home from the Middle East. We don't need their oil, you do. Same with dealing with the Saudis. We don't need them, Europe does. Our environmental impact has substantially improved, unlike Europe.
And Iran was abiding by Obama's deal. Which was illegal without congress, and only served to pave the way for them to do what they want (nuke Israel and destroy the West, per their own statements).
Healthcare for some 87 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Government interference is what made Healthcare in the US so weird. It ain't just about profits, but the regulations and rules that exist solely to fuck over smaller providers.
There are literally rules about minimum costs and billions of dollars in certs and justifications imposed, not by the market, but by Uncle Sam.
Cut out the imposed insurance requirements, the cost requirements before a facility us authorized life saving equipment, the tests imposed by government regulations in spite of the medical personal, and you see all of our problems laid bare.
Healthcare in the US is fucked, thank Obama, Bush, Carter, and every administration to ever think the government should help where a problem didn't exist before.
Denying science is almost as dumb as being a conservative 8 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
"Human resources"
A bit sus 47 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
I'll own what I said, just not your misinterpretation of it.
And we aren't the bully. We're the guy you call when the bully starts acting up. We're the athlete who carries the team, we're the nerd you cheat off of, we're the rich kid you always ask for a twenty. And when we decide we aren't going to fight your battles, play the game, give you our test, or fuck the racist POS who only ever talks about burning down the Jewish kid's house, you suddenly decide we're the delinquent. But God knows, you'll keep your hand out and ask for more.
Healthcare for some 87 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
No, you as a society simply decided what you like and tolerate. Keep it over there. We are still having that conversation, and we do not need the people's riding our coattails lecturing us on how to be successful.
Healthcare for some 87 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Don't lie. We do not let the poor die, and Europe does not have none of the downsides.
That misrepresentation of the entire issue is why I hate Euroes trying to play neo-colonialist and tell us what to do like you're so perfect and enlightened. Pay for your own defense, trade routes, innovation, and see what gets cut first.
A bit sus 47 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
I don't know who you're arguing against as far as the holidays, because it ain't me.
And international law has no bearing on the US? Don't like it? Try and enforce against us. They are written by and enforced by the people we hate. End of discussion. Or is Iran and North Korea cool now?
Healthcare for some 87 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
The US government is not meant to do some things. We do not want that to change. We do have problems, solved by getting the government out business.
We do not want to be taken care of. How many times will I have to tell you?
Willfree, anti-intelectualism is on the rise, but not on the left or the right. The reason it may appear as such is just because one side is so entirely opposed to entertaining any dissenting thought, or investigating any alternative explanations or solutions. Which side that is, of course, depends on the issue in question.
A bit sus 47 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
The US does that to the ICC. They are a kangaroo court, at best a feelgood measure for those nations who can't actually do anything.
A bit sus 47 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
But that is besides the point.
I never said they were malicious, much less maliciously trying to cancel the holidays. Only that their restrictions would have that effect if abided by.
That is the democrat platform, who's moving goalposts now?
Yeah, international law is irrelevant to anyone who doesn't abide by them. Until somebody else forces it. If the international laws weren't written by theocratic dictators, genocidal warlords, antisemitic extremists, and the worst human rights violators in the world, maybe I would give a damn personally, but that still doesn't matter in the scope of US politics.
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famousone · 3 years ago
The state put those infected with an illness primarily harmful to the elderly... in state run elder care facilities.
And our count is inflated. Any death WITH covid is counted as covid in the US. Cancer. Pneumonia. Heart attack. Pulmonary embolism. Gunshot wound. Car wreck.
Here's a tip, ignore the media narrative. They are not honest about anything, even the things that make their bosses look good aren't enough for them.
Trolls will say they're so passe but they did meta first 8 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
lol wut?
A bit sus 47 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
I never claimed that it was deliberate, merely that it is the effect. Party limits, travel restrictions, fines, reporting violations from neighbors, asking for "online" get togethers, none of this can be mistaken.
Democrats pursue left wing policies and goals. What else is socialized medicine, education, government control of industry, placing the collective over the individual, or anything else in their platform? Even by global standards, but global standards don't mean jack shit in domestic politics, so you're wrong twice on that front.
And again, stop trying to put words in my mouth.
Healthcare for some 87 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Yes. Just look at how many would still be alive if New York, Michigan, etc., didn't murder their elderly.
Healthcare for some 87 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Among other things.
A bit sus 47 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Anyone trying to sneak into the US must be detained. Children cannot be detained with adults. It ain't our fault that they keep flooding the system so that it is perpetually overwhelmed, nor is our problem.
The orders and mandates are meant to keep people from coming together, specifically during the holidays. What do quotes matter? It may not be the goal, but it would be the effect of compliance to the orders. No more to 5 in a household, fuck that.
By definition in that democrats support left-wing policies and have left-wing goals.
Healthcare for some 87 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
It ain't their job to do. We do not want them to even try, because everything the feds touch always turns to absolute shit, until they are cut down to size after decades of incompetence. You think our numbers are bad now? Because Trump wasn't fascist enough? It only would've been worse if they tried.
A bit sus 47 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
I've never referred to them as "demonrats", and it is dishonest to imply such, but I'll call you an ass for putting words in my mouth.
A bit sus 47 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Grandpa and Grandma are already dying, they would just like to see the family before over a decade of gout, heart trouble, and generally being old finally catches up to them. Anybody who is scared can choose to locke themselves up until they get vaccinated, the rest of us would like to live our lives.
A bit sus 47 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Yes, the drug mules that try to hide behind trafficked children to get over the border, this is documented fact.
I'm brown, fuckwit.
The left are attacking the holiday season and the family get together that entails.
Democrats are left. By definition.
Healthcare for some 87 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
I already told you what the problem is. We do not need or want to be like everyone, we need Uncle Sam out of our way. Government isn't mommy and daddy, it ain't their job to take care of us, and we don't want them to.