

Famousone Report User
Though short hair is definitely welcome 6 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
It's so crazy it just might work 18 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
The officer in question had a 25 year career, I'm not even 25
Zombie Bite turning into a transformative experience 2 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
I would try really hard not to feel bad for the zombies I killed in the last two years.
Very cool swag indeed 12 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
So in Chinese culture light skin is associated with not working the fields? I figured in that case darker skin would indicate discipline and hard work, which I consider more appealing. But then I didn't grow up in a culture that placed much meaning on skin tone or race (beyond many in the tribe hating white people at least, but I'm half-white so fuck 'em), so I guess we should take this as just a lesson on how perceptions and attitudes are very different in other cultures?
It's so crazy it just might work 18 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
But yes, even in such immoral places where someone is required to retreat or cooperate, law enforcement has duties and responsibilities not to. Again, dependent on tactical situation.
It's so crazy it just might work 18 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Even "duty to retreat" isn't a general thing. In a lot of states and a hell of a lot of counties nobody has any kind of legal obligation to leave anyplace they're allowed to be. In the eyes of sensible people, there's not even a moral case for running away or cooperating under duress or threat of unlawful force.
The way I personally see it, whether you retreat, cooperate, or use force is entirely dependent on the tactical situation. It's always better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Uhhhhh Japan? 1 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
They did care. We were priority targets to them.
2 · Edited 3 years ago
It's so crazy it just might work 18 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Just because they're retreating doesn't mean they aren't a threat.
It's so crazy it just might work 18 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
If the person in question had a violent history. Or was going for a vehicle, which could contain a weapon or be used as a weapon. Or if their path of travel would take them indoors or near the general populace.
Depending on the state, a violent felon just fleeing is enough of a threat to the general public to justify shooting them, as well.
Straight down the middle 75 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Convicted pedos don't go to jail, they go to prison. I can speak for WA and OR prisons, they will brag. And most will reoffend.
Straight down the middle 75 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Hitler loved children and animals, and flirted with his wife even on camera.
Most serial killers anyone has ever heard of were by all accounts "charming". Even most street thugs are loved by their mothers.
We can't shift an entire perception just to account for the willfully ignorant. They're the same kind of people who think "That can't happen here, not to people like me", and that's entirely on them.
It's so crazy it just might work 18 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Any good defense lawyers would be able to paint a picture of a world where police training defaulted to non-lethal in the face of life-threats: A lot of dead cops.
Just speaking from military training, I have messed up grabbing my knife of sidearm just in training. And after a quiet 25 year career, I'm very much willing for this to shake out in court.
Granted, that is, Maxine doesn't decide to sully yet another trial by inciting riots and threatening the jurors and their city. Again.
Straight down the middle 75 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Monsters are human. This isn't news to anyone.
It's so crazy it just might work 18 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Deliberately? No. You can't make that call about someone responding to a high stress situation.
It's so crazy it just might work 18 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
What really gets me is that it would've been a justified shoot, if only she knew she was shooting.
Still, I can only really feel bad for her.
Straight down the middle 75 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
I'll simplify it just for you: Zero tolerance, no sympathy. They can get help or keep themselves in line, but will never be normalized or accepted. And if they do offend? Kill them or lock them in a box and throw away the key
It's not a competition! 4 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
It certainly explains why the American troops were so eager to charge into the German lines.
Straight down the middle 75 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Better for them all to stay in their holes than think for even half a second that they've been "normalized" or "validated".
And any offenders that do pop their heads up? Better to have them removed than to let plea deals, lax enforcement due to sympathy, or "pandemic precautions" let them back on the streets.
It's the same deal for druggies or crazies. I do not care that you "don't know any better", or "felt like you had no choice", or "didn't actually want to hurt anyone".
I’mma start a war #1 3 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Ideally, yeah. But better a dead dog than a maimed kid. I'll always trust a good guy's aim more than a wild animal or a bad guy's mercy.
I’mma start a war #1 3 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
If the dog poses a threat to others, then the threat needs to be neutralized. Lacking any other information, I can only commend her for trying to keep an eye on the dogs and still staying her hand long enough to give the owners a chance to reclaim control.
3 · Edited 3 years ago
Orwell playing both sides. 14 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
So a catholic elementary school decides it doesn't want a Karma Sutra in it's library, and that's the same as being banned in the US? And do keep in mind, we're not talking about "truncated access", but actual bans. I see you trying to move the goalposts.
· Edited 3 years ago
Flexing on Baxit and McGee again 17 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
An almost literal "dream gun" in that case.
I'd do so much better if I had money to throw at a custom build.
Flexing on Baxit and McGee again 17 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
No, that's a STANAG mag, so SKS is right out... but the sights don't look like any M1A/M14 I've ever seen...
What the fuck is that thing??!?
I tried to do a twist on this trend and took me so long to find just a few good things 5 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Greek City states tried everything at some point. Just throw some absolutely exclusive and nonsensical words out, and I'm sure a history buff will recognize which state had it for all of 3 weeks before collapsing.
Orwell playing both sides. 14 comments
famousone · 3 years ago
Yes, we have. But some people still don't get the concept.