

Famousone Report User
Moar fillosuffee 6 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
Preach it
A man’s best friend 9 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
Of course this shouldn't be encouraged. But seeing as how there was a very easy and moral way to avoid this situation, the dogs and owners shouldn't be punished.
Republicans hate this trick 7 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
We're glad to make donations and work at or fund such measures. Voluntarily.
Republicans hate this trick 7 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
It actually isn't an example of supply-side economics, just voluntary charity doing what the government has always failed at.
It's 2021 and Twitter peeps are still being racist 15 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
What definition of mass shooting are y'all using? I thought that according to the FBI most were gang violence and tend to happen in a few particular cities.
Also, I always kinda suspected that certain persons here were racist pieces of shit. Glad to finally have hard confirmation.
It's 2021 and Twitter peeps are still being racist 15 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
Remember all those racist white Trumpers who have been assaulting Asians over the last couple years?
Or that noose in that one black driver's garage?
Or those racist whites who attacked whatshisface for being in "Trump country"?
Or all those anti-Jewish hate crimes and Nazi graffiti?
It's 2021 and Twitter peeps are still being racist 15 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
The Andromeda system, I bet. Preparing for very tense negotiations with those stalk-eyed pink fucks who think it's our fault that our warp drives are so similar to theirs.
I suspect not 12 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
I'll check out your resource tonight.
As for the rest, I'm of a similar mind. Only I'll go one step further and say that voting isn't the only way to fight back. Mass non-compliance, relentless legal challenges, and perhaps a reminder on how Americans have historically dealt with people who thought to enslave or thieve from us.
I suspect not 12 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
Good catch, the top 1 percent only pay *40 percent of *just income* tax.
I am curious about the actual total number, though.
I suspect not 12 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
@Lucky11, you're clearly someone capable of having an intelligent conversation. Welcome to the kid's table. While the "adults" are screeching about things they either don't know anything about, or are entirely irrelevant (or both) I have an honest question for you.
The IRS seems to believe that by tracking everyone's every bank transactions they can magically find more money. My question is this: Do you believe they'll be looking at everyone's everything? Or is there a chance they may use the information to focus on those of us who do things that the Party may not like?
I suspect not 12 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
Supposedly the IRS is worried that a few hundred billion dollars have been withheld from them. Though I suspect this is also a part of enforcing the coming tax-hikes on the middle class and lower-upper class.
I suspect just as strongly that the feds just want more control over people and property, and that their "missing taxes" could be more than made up for if just the White House and their relations were heavily audited. Nevermind how many people enter congress with 5 or 6 digits to their name and leave with so millions or billions, if they ever do leave or get voted out.
I seem to recall Sanders in particular hating millionaires, but as soon as he got that 7th digit his rhetoric turned on billionaires.
L-Mao 3 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
Warnings to get out of sovereign waters really don't mean much when both ships are in international waters.
“When in the course of “…. No No Ben it’s too wordy, try this… 5 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
Particularly since Puerto Rico has been given countless chances to accept statehood with every right and responsibility it would entail, and has refused it of their own accord every single time.
“When in the course of “…. No No Ben it’s too wordy, try this… 5 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
If the Brits didn't want to lose us, they should've respected our rights as Englishmen.
Good to see leaders doing the right thing 9 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
This isn't smallpox or polio. You treat things as what they are, not what the hystericals try to equate it to.
And your information is outdated. It is fact, not opinion, that the vaccinated are still being infected, and that mutations will keep happening and have already happened. This is not the first corona virus
· Edited 2 years ago
Good to see leaders doing the right thing 9 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
So you're worried that the vaccine won't actually protect people?
And on top of that, you're not at all concerned over why licensed, trained, and experienced medical professionals (which we're apparently suffering a shortage from without laying them off en mass) are willing to risk their expensive livelihoods to refuse?
Hurricane tips 9 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
Or like the country spans an entire continent with rather diverse conditions throughout
Well, do you? 6 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
She has got it goin' on!
Hello you can go away now 5 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
One of the truest I've seen
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
This ain't AIDS. This ain't the Plague. This ain't the Spanish flu.
How about this. If you get sick from anything you're covered by whatever insurance or fallback you have, or you don't have insurance or a fallback and act accordingly.
And emotional suffering of healthcare workers? What healthcare workers? The ones who were laid-off for a lack of work, the ones who were buried or silenced for saying anything that contradicted the White House or the Chinese, or the ones that are being laid off for refusing the jab?
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
I also didn't realize that the people who died after getting vaccinated, or the ones suffering from unexplained medical conditions after getting the jab, were stupid in your book.
All we want, literally the only single thing, is to live our lives free and maintain control over what we allow to be done with our bodies.
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
Do you even hear yourself?
LOL JK 11 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
A dollar to fight poverty and a can of soup for the hungry are still a dollar and a can.
LOL JK 11 comments
famousone · 2 years ago
Christians are some of the most charitable people in the world, American ones in particular.
There's a mighty difference between willingly donating one's own assets and time to the greater good, vs forcing them to give it to an entity that already forcibly takes trillions and never fails to squander most of it on things that the charitable type tend to hate.