This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 44 comments
· 2 years ago
No. You're reaching, now.
Jeff can talk about his daddies or mommies all he wants, just like Niel can talk about his cousin's bar mitzvah, or Lu about her head scarf. But a teacher cannot advocate or condemn the mommies, daddies, Jews, or Muslims.
Being compelled to "share" private property is wrong, but speaking in turns falls under "good order and discipline". There is nothing ideological about not speaking over a teacher while your classmates are trying to learn how to add two-digit numbers. God knows most of us would've been happier if the trouble-makers would pipe-down for just a few minutes at a time.
It is established history that people thought women, blacks, jews, whatever, were inferior. Bring up the quotes and actions of the men and women who thought one way, the other, and in-between. I would personally love for teachers to teach the context, but I can't hold what I like to different standards when it comes to legislation effecting everyone.
Jeff can talk about his daddies or mommies all he wants, just like Niel can talk about his cousin's bar mitzvah, or Lu about her head scarf. But a teacher cannot advocate or condemn the mommies, daddies, Jews, or Muslims.
Being compelled to "share" private property is wrong, but speaking in turns falls under "good order and discipline". There is nothing ideological about not speaking over a teacher while your classmates are trying to learn how to add two-digit numbers. God knows most of us would've been happier if the trouble-makers would pipe-down for just a few minutes at a time.
It is established history that people thought women, blacks, jews, whatever, were inferior. Bring up the quotes and actions of the men and women who thought one way, the other, and in-between. I would personally love for teachers to teach the context, but I can't hold what I like to different standards when it comes to legislation effecting everyone.
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 44 comments
· 2 years ago
Up to the third grade level seems arbitrary, but it does give parents and guardians the most control over the most developmentally critical years.
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· 2 years ago
Really? That's the best you could come up with?
The law is for teachers dealing with young children to say "Ask your parents", when a subject comes up. It isn't state control, it is the state ceding control to those who actually should be the ones to have it.
If the schools had to do the same thing regarding race, "ask your parents", or guns, "ask your parents", or anything that isn't numbers, maps, labs, or settled history "ask your parents", it would be a major victory for individuals and families everywhere. Certainly better than what we've had in my lifetime.
The law is for teachers dealing with young children to say "Ask your parents", when a subject comes up. It isn't state control, it is the state ceding control to those who actually should be the ones to have it.
If the schools had to do the same thing regarding race, "ask your parents", or guns, "ask your parents", or anything that isn't numbers, maps, labs, or settled history "ask your parents", it would be a major victory for individuals and families everywhere. Certainly better than what we've had in my lifetime.
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· 2 years ago
Third graders and younger do not need to know about trans, homosexuality, or anything about sex beyond "Tell a cop if anybody touches your __".
They're learning geography, shapes, penmanship, recess, times tables. Not sex, drugs, and fascism.
They're learning geography, shapes, penmanship, recess, times tables. Not sex, drugs, and fascism.
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 44 comments
· 2 years ago
You people, you keep assuming that the state will always be righteous, that it ever has been righteous.
What if Trump were the raging racist ya'll thought and might still insist he is? Would you want him to be able to decide how your children are raised? The AG's son is already teaching children racism, discrimination, and outright lies. You would empower Trump, Bush, Clinton, Kamela, Hitler, Castro, or anybody else who can force their way into power that kind of authority over your children? What if the state decides that men shouldn't leave the kitchen? Or that Asians are meant to be enslaved?
But no, you'll just keep assuming that the "good" guys are always in charge.
What if Trump were the raging racist ya'll thought and might still insist he is? Would you want him to be able to decide how your children are raised? The AG's son is already teaching children racism, discrimination, and outright lies. You would empower Trump, Bush, Clinton, Kamela, Hitler, Castro, or anybody else who can force their way into power that kind of authority over your children? What if the state decides that men shouldn't leave the kitchen? Or that Asians are meant to be enslaved?
But no, you'll just keep assuming that the "good" guys are always in charge.
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 44 comments
· 2 years ago
Then the children will go out into the world with the values instilled by their families and learned from their peers, to succeed or fail on those merits alone.
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 44 comments
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 44 comments
· 2 years ago
You think you're joking, failure. But teachers across the nation have been indoctrinating children, telling them to go to riots, teaching racism against whites and those who "act white", insulting the veterans in kid's families, and teaching sex or ideology, not on an objective basis at an age appropriate level, but under the guise of "Your parents are thieves, inherently racist, and bad people".
I would know, I was in school when the bullshit was really starting to catch on.
Edited 2 years ago
I would know, I was in school when the bullshit was really starting to catch on.
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 44 comments
· 2 years ago
No, kids can bring their religion from home. Their patriotism, their ethnic pride, they can even share and explore their crushes or friendships.
What cannot happen is for teachers or the state to be allowed to indoctrinate them.
Let Omar pray, let Jacob say the pledge for his father who was sent to Poland, and let Tim hold Rob's hand, or Lisa Maria's.
Just do not ever try to sell the idea that a public educator has any right or mandate to have any say over any of this, beyond maintaining order and discipline in the classroom.
What cannot happen is for teachers or the state to be allowed to indoctrinate them.
Let Omar pray, let Jacob say the pledge for his father who was sent to Poland, and let Tim hold Rob's hand, or Lisa Maria's.
Just do not ever try to sell the idea that a public educator has any right or mandate to have any say over any of this, beyond maintaining order and discipline in the classroom.
It's hard work knowing everything 9 comments
· 2 years ago
It's amazing, these NPCs can be wound up with different keys to get along with whatever they're told to get along with. Don't even question where Fauci went or what the information behind the bug and the jabs of last week means.
It's hard work knowing everything 9 comments
The law of unintended consequences 7 comments
· 2 years ago
Almost like statism and authoritarianism has always been the most harmful to the common person.
In My Day, There Were No Ads Before the Vid 2 comments
· 2 years ago
Things have been downhill ever since. We had thousands of people on the site back then.
Edited 2 years ago
Constant stress caused complex PTSD 23 comments
· 2 years ago
As opposed to giving 100 percent of our everything to exploitation, be it the state or the mobs.
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 44 comments
· 2 years ago
Children do not belong to the state nor should be subject to the ideological whims or perversions of "educators".
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Feel the Power of My Mlem 5 comments
· 2 years ago
Look at those stubby little legs and his little tongue poking out I love him so much
Care-giving is not a liberty, it is a practical reality. What teachers have no liberty over is a child's identity, ideology, or thoughts.