Game of thrones pickup line 9 comments
· 9 years ago
i'm pretty sure he was just being funny and didn't touch her afterwards.
Women 63 comments
· 9 years ago
well shit. It was really stupid of her to do that. How can they say you're a "woman-beater" if you were just standing up for yourself? wtf
Big ben 16 comments
· 9 years ago
i think these posts are the funniest on the internet. i'm sorry they're just the best in my eyes.
But for me there's no pretending lol 42 comments
In light of increasing obesity rate 58 comments
· 9 years ago
Fatness is a lifestyle. They may not be obese now but they could be in the future.
In light of increasing obesity rate 58 comments
· 9 years ago
Plot twist: K actually suffered the consequences of being obese. Maybe it wasn't him exactly, maybe it was a close relative or a parent. That's why he speaks of it so passionately and is determined that people know how dangerous obesity can be.
he didn't say they aren't beautiful. He's just saying it's unhealthy for obese people to keep living that way, and it's unhealthy for society to just keep, "Oh, your weight doesn't matter. You're beautiful." It should kind of be like, "You're beautiful and the world would be missing your beauty if you don't fix the problem."
he didn't say they aren't beautiful. He's just saying it's unhealthy for obese people to keep living that way, and it's unhealthy for society to just keep, "Oh, your weight doesn't matter. You're beautiful." It should kind of be like, "You're beautiful and the world would be missing your beauty if you don't fix the problem."
In light of increasing obesity rate 58 comments
· 9 years ago
but don't you think that if they keep at it they're eventually going to be? Besides, maybe K read the article and didn't just look at the picture.
In light of increasing obesity rate 58 comments
· 9 years ago
well, K wasn't really talking about beauty either. he's just saying that obesity shouldn't be encouraged, because some people think it's okay now just because people are starting these kinds of campaigns.
In light of increasing obesity rate 58 comments
· 9 years ago
maybe he read the rest of the article first and then saw faults in it and then started the rant? maybe.
Winning an argument 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Well, the main reason you probably can't argue with a stupid person is that they think they're always right and they won't listen to you. It doesn't mean you're wrong, so I guess you're still smart.
How very sneaky. 11 comments
· 9 years ago
This post just cheered my heart up because after watching this year's KCA's and like Spongebob won instead of P & F I was like okay, what is going on here?
I'm guilty of that 9 comments
This is really something 13 comments
Yes that is my face when I do it 9 comments