

— feefee34 Report User
The future is near 12 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
This is actually what happens if you try to write Anne Rice fanfiction
True love 14 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
This is how the ONE affordable grocery store within reasonable driving distance has the particular flavor of the particular brand of the thing I like.
Restoring Faith in Humanity 20 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
On the first picture, what is the stuff that the person hung?
Compilation of the super cute 22 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
I'm 23 and can barely open an umbrella without hurting myself or others. I hate the things.
I would definitely buy this for my kids when I become a father 24 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
I have actually considered the fact that humans were actually not meant to habitate the ungodly California Bay Area hills. I workout and do yoga, and yet I still want to die every morning on my commute. So . . . there's that.
I would definitely buy this for my kids when I become a father 24 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
Yes! Oh pleeeease yes!!
!!OMG YUM!! 40 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
The problem is that I would eat every single bite of the ingredients before turning them into something.
Most hilariously depressing birthday picture 6 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
This person has a really nice table and chair and plate. That's a lot of nice stuff.
Poor entei 23 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
Giraffe. Forever giraffe.
Cheetos 13 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
But the point is . . . you'll never be COMPLETELY full. That's the glorious, terrible beauty of junk food.
I saw my boyfriend today! Eeep! :) 14 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
I REAL best friend tells YOU, "I saw your boyfriend today. He was talking to another girl, so I tripped her. Turns out it was his sister, but you can never be too sure."
Believe in Yourself 4 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
Same. S'okay because even when I got it, I kept rereading it, and it kept getting funnier.
I can agree with this 25 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
I was gonna say . . . On the surface, this is a win. But then you have females missing 1/4 of school and work and what about HOLIDAYS?? Can you pick which days? What if you sleep through your birthday and Christmas and the day you get 2 pink Starbursts?
I can agree with this 25 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
It's fine. You just wake up super rested and refreshed and thin. Also, you get paid for the days of work missed anyway. Yeah.
I can agree with this 25 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
Ooh, that means you get to sleep for 9 months!! To make up for the next 5 or 18 or lifetime of never sleeping again, ever . . .
Steve Harvey was made to host this show 6 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
He looks so genuinely pleased with humanity at that moment.
One of the most underrated screen savers of all time 10 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
No, the BEST was the endless series of brick hallways. My 2nd grade teacher had that screen saver, and I'd watch it instead of learning to tell time and stuff.
Everything is black 14 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
The completely blind don't see black. They see nothing at all--a void. It's like asking what you see with your ear.
Everything is black 14 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
But blind people don't see black. They see nothing . . .
It's mind-boggling, but true.
Optimism Of The Human Variety...... 5 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
I don't get what's happening here? Why is there a sand path in the sand that's made out of a different kind of sand?
Sorry babe, I have no clue what a 'peplum' is 5 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
The dress on the left is clearly super boring and useless. The dress on the right is glorious.
International stereotypes 5 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
Well in America all our words are spelled f-r-e-e-d-o-m.
One hell of a drawing 33 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
How come some people can do this, and even my stick figures look deformed?
Lucky homeless guy 4 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
Are you sure that's a homeless man and not just an average Berkeley resident?
The judgement 15 comments
feefee34 · 10 years ago
It would take infinitely less time if the cashier handed me my receipt, then my change. If you put the change on top of the receipt and give it to me in one hand, all sorts of weird juggling shenanigans have to take place.