Making a comic. Check it out at funsubcomic.tumblr.com— fell_equinox Report User
Sasquach cheeks 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Pennywise "I transform into your greatest fear"
Me: "I'm super afraid of dummy thicc men"
Me: "I'm super afraid of dummy thicc men"
GRAWWP! 1 comments
· 4 years ago
I feel thats how the majority of hummingbirds are. They're so aggressive with each other
Yeah, but why? 1 comments
· 4 years ago
"Have your fingertips graze it as you walk by"
"Good source of dopamine"
"Good source of dopamine"
>:O 1 comments
They grow (up) so fast 10 comments
· 4 years ago
Would that be enjoyable though? Would the feeling of having your dick sucked be overshadowed by the feeling of sucking your own dick?
Some o' y'all need this 5 comments
· 4 years ago
I don't wanna overdose tho. I passed out smoking a single Marijuana once. @timebender25
United in one 10 comments
· 4 years ago
Elves have cool pointy ears. Of course everyone be hating on them out of jealousy
A Nepali festival to thank dogs for their friendship and loyalty 1 comments
· 4 years ago
There aren't enough hours in a day to tell my one dog how much I appreciate him
Still here? 1 comments
Found at a bar in Kentucky 3 comments
Nut coupon lol 5 comments
I was working in my tiger onesie on Halloween when customers came in as Joe Exotic and 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Now they need to commit to the role by murdering someone and feeding it to the tiger
It's different when someone else is doing the work for you, but you're having to experience all that stimulation yourself when you're doing both the giving and recieving to yourself.
Your brain might hyper focus on only one part of the experience so your brain might focus on the nerves in your mouth and nearly ignore your penis being sucked or vise versa.
Someone needs to reduce their rib cage and figure this out