

Making a comic. Check it out at funsubcomic.tumblr.com
fell_equinox Report User

Took this screenshot of my boss fight. I super love it

Took this screenshot of my boss fight. I super love it

This amuses me

This amuses me

Working overnight sucks because Funsub is sleeping when I'm awake

Working overnight sucks because Funsub is sleeping when I'm awake

Turn your volumes UP for this cuteness VIDEO

Turn your volumes UP for this cuteness

How many videos of my cat can I post until it's "too many" VIDEO

How many videos of my cat can I post until it's "too many"

Is my cat spoiled or nah? VIDEO

Is my cat spoiled or nah?

English is crazy

English is crazy

A kyoot wittle fewwet

A kyoot wittle fewwet

Saw this all over FB. Let the discussion begin

Saw this all over FB. Let the discussion begin

I need someone to animate this

I need someone to animate this