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Don't say no to panda. 7 comments
festielestie · 10 years ago
Hahahahah! I love these ads!!!! Does anyone actually know what panda cheese tastes like??
What if gay was straight and straight was gay [MUST WATCH] 69 comments
festielestie · 10 years ago
Every single time I cry, so many people need to watch and learn from this
Trolling 7 comments
festielestie · 10 years ago
You, are an awesome dad
This messed up generation 106 comments
festielestie · 10 years ago
@whocares THANK YOU! Thanks you for making sure our generation has a positive voice! All I ever hear is negative things, and yet I know that it is not all negative. Every generation will say this about the past generation but thank you!! For advocating us to be not all to blame! @iwantasandwich there's always a minority of idiots with in a mojority, don't judge all of us based on that minority
Oh god 14 comments
festielestie · 10 years ago
His face......
Being an obese man 37 comments
festielestie · 10 years ago
Hahahaha omg me too
Worst living thing ever 38 comments
festielestie · 10 years ago
Hahaha wow, as an Aussie I see these a lot at some beaches, just don't step on them and you'll be right!!
Her face says it all 24 comments
festielestie · 10 years ago
Her made my day
When I don't get the joke 16 comments
festielestie · 10 years ago
.....all the time
GIMME MY PANDA 12 comments
festielestie · 10 years ago
There's a sheep in the panda basket!!!!!!!
Did You Know Facts 16 comments
festielestie · 10 years ago
Well this was bullshit