Bird waiting for likes 4 comments
· 9 years ago
What kind of breed is this bird???
Which button would you press 82 comments
· 9 years ago
B, I would say c but it would just make me sad to find out the truth, cuz the truth always hurts, specially if it about your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend so nope I'll go with b
Lol so true xD (ignore previous title) 8 comments
So smooth 3 comments
Co-worker just said this, so true for a lot of us 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Why do you have stuff that might ruin her day? Aren't you supposed to make her happy to love her!
I almost got mad at this guy, but then... 17 comments
Ain't that the truth. 11 comments
Ain't that the truth. 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Girla how do u shave? :( I have all like small dots on my leg when I shave and it's not going away it feels smooth but doesn't look shaved how can I get rid of the bumps and dots :(( plsase help im 18