Obese 100 year old crocodile. 5 comments
· 9 years ago
who would not die of being thrown with chickens? how much more goats? O.o
Transporting a prisoner using a motorbike in 1921 2 comments
· 10 years ago
then suddenly the prisoner reaches for the officer's neck strangling him against the bars o.O
Enough internet for today... 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I heard a story which is something close to this. But it was the guy who tested the girl. He started texting his GF using a different phone number until such time the girl confessed to him that she is going on a date with another guy and that they need to break up... the guy said OK if that's what you want... MEETING PLACE: and the girl was shocked it was her BF who showed up then they really broke up after meeting :((
Best show :,) 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Josh changed a lot now :) physically and in a good way that is...good for him :)
How To Say ‘I Love You’ Around The World 40 comments
You spin me right round, baby 31 comments
Cycling high above 13 comments