
— FIRE_IS_HOT Report User
Historians will laugh at our generation 87 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
I did a little bit, but I could not find any reliable scientific peer reviewed papers on those claims. Only the claims that the agencies themselves put out that no one else was able to corroborate.
Historians will laugh at our generation 87 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
It's true coal is a dirty form of power, I don't think anyone is denying that. But when you look at how much Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and the various types of CFCs, that are in the atmosphere, which is 370,000 parts per billion in the atmosphere, only 12k parts per billion is man-made. So only about 0.28% of that is caused by man-made. Now this is of course in the general whole of the atmosphere. Its a lot cleaner in areas that are further from power plants/high density populations and much worse closer to those.
Historians will laugh at our generation 87 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
I actually wrote a paper on climate change and if it's happening and to what degree and what it could mean in the future. Yes the earth has climate changes in that it has warm and cold periods, Just like seasons. If you look at time magazine and other popular, but less than scientific magazines and newspapers and government lobbyists, they all thought the world was going to freeze in the 60s and 70s. And guess what in the 30s and 40s we had heat spells and droughts across North America and also much of Africa and Europe. Not only that but guess what happened in the 1880s and 1890s, they had cold spells all across the Americas and European continent.
Historians will laugh at our generation 87 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Or laugh at us for being afraid of climate change when it never came..
Dayyaammmmm 33 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Give it up occam_gillette... you know youcannotwin
Busy as a butterfly 11 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Come on Linda, It's water under the house.
Their injury could be worse 9 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Working for a fire department I see this a lot actually, but on the flip side I see people who call for the dumbest reasons.
What's his name? 8 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Not sure if Hilary or Trump
Dad jokes can have psychological effects 1 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Dad Jokes.. Not even once!
Absolutely 14 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Your username says it all about your comment haha
Changing car oil 15 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Next to the blinker fluid.
"Pick it up." "I picked it up last time!" 4 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Does that mean they've picked up more than one 'dumped child' off the street?
Changing car oil 15 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Step 2, change your anti-freeze same way you changed your oil.
I wonder what happens to the 1%. 6 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
The 1% owns the 99%!!
Over 2000 People Came Together To Sing The 'Hallelujah' Chorus 5 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
My Dad is in there!
Stockphoto 14 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Feel the burn!!
Apply water to burnt area 8 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Feel the burn!
Historical election. 35 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
and here we are chatting about it on FS
Sorry, not sorry! 33 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Around Washington D.C. right?
Sorry, not sorry! 33 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Ya mine is through my work too, I'm very lucky it is a great company.
Sorry, not sorry! 33 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
I pay $145 a month for my insurance premium. I looked at getting obamacare when it came out since it was suppose to be so great. It was a joke, my premium would have been $1295 a month and the coverage was about half as good as what I have.
Sorry, not sorry! 33 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
I guess I am just disappointed that America use to be a nation that was a leader in the world in so many areas. Now we are just turning into a sheepish socialist country following the downward trend of other socialist countries.
Sorry, not sorry! 33 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
I'm not great when it comes to economics, but if he does raise the taxes on the wall street traders. Doesn't that mean they will just go somewhere else to earn their living. And if that were to happen and people stop trading and pull out everything they have in stocks, won't that completely tank our economy again?
Never swallow a chewing gum 6 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
If it's such negativity how come those are the only you comment on? Do you just come on here to look for sluts? I think you have a problem.
Magic 5 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
I thought the same