
— FIRE_IS_HOT Report User
Turtle post 12 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
And they both been out in the sun too long
Border Patrol Officer shuts down a checkpoint activist with kindness 5 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Like a boss. Authoritative and courteous.
Definitely not the brightest 2 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
No actually it's a zebra, but good guess.
Vegan hunting 9 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Saw the title, thought he was actually hunting vegans, not vegetables...
Deadliest foe in video games 3 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Many much truth
Big Friendly Giant 6 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
fearsome, fabulous, famed, facist, facetious, fake, fearless, faithful, fatherless, fast, fashionable... so many ways to go with that
Years and years of isolation and meditation... And suddenly boobs 4 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Calm down, they are just monks.
Kansas City fire department saves the Kansas City police department from elevator 5 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Awesome! haha We always have fun (pranks) at my work between the FD and PD
His face 10 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Epic coincidence of two bullets colliding 5 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
How can you tell?
Seriously? 15 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
So 40% want someone who sucks at business instead of someone who sucks at business and politics.
Which one do you prefer? 18 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Old school
Useful educational websites 5 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
anyone know a website you can get textbooks in pdf?
The code is 8 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
I love this!
I thought it was cheese 11 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
That's how much butter I put on 1 pancake haha
Exactly! 6 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Then you're an angelic demon.... or demonic angel... or something haha
350,000 calories subtracted 10 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Then start adding protein.. You could be a freaking good looking buff dude
Thoughts and prayers to his bunny family 6 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Quick! The tracks lead this...... dang...
Grilling tip 11 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
That works good. I also make a 'bowl' out of tin foil and cook the fish in that with a little bit of water and lemon juice. Keeps it nicely flavored and moist.
A gentle reminder to secure your carabiners 11 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
If that fails there will be nothing 'gentle' about it haha
Savage af 23 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
I'm sorry it seems like you were putting emphasis on something.. like the 'ish'?
You gonna cry today! 27 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Dang it I'm leaking water what the heck?!
Historians will laugh at our generation 87 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
There is just so much we don't understand about weather patterns that it is hard to prove some things with scientific evidence to back it up. And these groups that say they have changed the weather, how can you prove it when 1. you don't give anyone any hard evidence or facts, you just make the claim and 2. You have to know exactly what the weather was going to be ahead of time so you can say for a fact you changed it.
This happened last week the worst kind of person 48 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
It's true, gotta do it hard and fast!
Drawings showing perspective points 13 comments
fire_is_hot · 8 years ago
Me neither.. but very cool drawings