
— FIRE_IS_HOT Report User
The first sentence explains it 80 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
From a history book.
"That a few officers encouraged the plundering was not only shameful but unforgivable."
Favorite Meme Right Now 10 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I don't care who you are, that there is funny!!
For the people who choose not to vaccinate their kids 45 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
You beat me to it Smitty.
Excuse me while I go buy a castle 11 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Cheap is a relative term, still around 1 million pounds and its only for part ownership
Someones not playing around 7 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
That's a pretty clever reponse
Sure... 25 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Next time I'll be sure to share one with a happy ending :)
Sure... 25 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Sorry not exactly funsubstance material I know
Sure... 25 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
He really struggled and spiraled after graduation and overdosed on tylernol and when that got painful he shot himself. Worst call I've ever been on. They are thinking he had a schizophrenic break.
Sure... 25 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
So I live in a smaller town, and it was kind of known that this kids mom had mental issues that she got after a bad car accident and it was really hard on the family. And she had run-ins with the law where she would cause scenes and freak out at people and they would call the police. Well this went on for I believe for about a year and and this kid became really quiet and withdrawn. Well one night the mom committed suicide over fall break, (I knew because I worked as an EMT for the local fire department). Well one of the school bullies made a comment in class that everyone would be better off if his mom just died, (I'm guessing he didn't know about her suicide yet). Well after he made that comment myself and another kid went after the bully. I only got one hit in and the other kid I think only got 2 hits in cause the teacher pulled us off pretty quick. But the bully's tires got slashed after school.
Sure... 25 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Something very similar to that happened my junior year
I'd still try it though 23 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Respecting nature 7 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
That would be a pain to keep the glass clean
Pagoda can survive any earthquake 10 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
You mean like... the pyramids?..
Would you? 48 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Plot Twist: the casket will be buried for 12 hours, (it will be vented so don't have to worry about running out of air or dying of hypo-hyperthermia)
Godzilla made entirely out of hay 6 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Solar powered dehydrator 4 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
But is it gluten free?
So disney lied to us? 9 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
And torture.. Can't forget the tortue
trust issues 9 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
One time the pen at my teller desk broke and so I had loose ones just lying around. No joke I went through 2 24packs of pens that day.
must have been an interesting dinner 2 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Somehow I don't think that dad is looking at it this way...
Bank (bank) 38 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Credit Union
I don't know what to say 13 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Ah.. good point
What do you think? 59 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Amen to that
I don't know what to say 13 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
So it's basically the perfect dude right? I mean what else would you want in a guy?
The dead can kill 13 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Are.. are you a centaur?