
— FIRE_IS_HOT Report User
The issues with todays society 51 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I'm a Millennial and ashamed of it.
Aww you found a new son 8 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
You sure it's sleeping?
Those evil terrorists 24 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Well he had never even heard of the attack on Pearl Harbor. They don't mention it at in their schools. And though we warred like the Native Americans which they thought meant we would cut out their hearts and eat them and all this other barbaric and cannibalistic things. And he didn't know about the Japanese officers that would shoot the soldiers and women and children if they wouldn't die in battle or commit suicide.
Those evil terrorists 24 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I recently had a ethics and philosophy class with a Japanese foreign exchange student and his insight on WWII was very interesting.
Be white 15 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Don't talk like a fool
Demons Run... 14 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I think it is just meant to illustrate it.
It's becoming a big problem 48 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
The problem is that the size of the population and the IQ of said population are inversely related.
Memes predicted google's fall 17 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I'd Bing that
Demons Run... 14 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Then you're missing out
This is why you don't block highways if you're protesting 42 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
It was an anti-trump protest. That same day another anti-trump protest tried to block a highway but one of the idiots got hit by a car and because of the blocked traffic the ambulance couldn't get to them.
As advertised, the raft inflates quickly 11 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
are the pink and blue tubes in the top right moving before they even get touched?
When I'm arguing on the Internet and realize I'm very wrong 3 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
What about the part where they cuss up a storm before they disappear
A Forest Service worker photographed a fire burning inside a tree 11 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I've seen these before, they are crazy and scary. The roots of some trees will interconnect and you can have a wildfire burn and the fire will hit a barrier like a road, stream or firefighters stop it. However the sap in the roots will burn/smolder, like coal in a coal mine, and travel through the roots and up another tree until it comes in contact with oxygen and start the fire again.
Medication side effects 17 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Do tell, what is the name of said drug?
Father and son 12 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Wow.. that's just... wow...
Playing like a girl they said 38 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Well you can't argue with someone who doesn't have an open mind :) but I will explain those questions you have.
As to the sources, it lists them as CNN, FOX, etc as their viewers for those games. What other factors are you talking about?
And only one league is because that is the base league for the US Womens National team.
And yes as I said with the third link there was ONE game where it was watched more. No one is disputing that, however, that was ONE game.
Just curious, do you have 3 sources showing womens soccer is watched more than mens?
Playing like a girl they said 38 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Here are some interesting things for you to look at.
These are stats on viewers for the US Mens and US Womens during their world cups. Men's was definitely watched more.
In MLS the average attendance was 21,574 per game. The NWSL average was 5,064 a game.
As a side note, when everyone brings up the 2015 Women's World Cup final USA vs Japan, it had more viewers than the NBA finals. It was a one time thing, not a regular thing.
Playing like a girl they said 38 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
This is a tough one. On one hand you have the revenue the teams bring in. The revenue from the men's and the women's isn't the same. This last year the Men's team brought in $73 Million being ranked number #35 in the world while the Women's team, ranked #1 in the world, only brought in $35 Million. So the Women's team brought in about half while being ranked #1 and the Men ranked #35.
On the other hand the Women's team isn't getting as much pay/reimbursement for travel expenses and meals and that's pretty pathetic no matter how you try to spin that one.
Still though it's a little hard to feel bad for the women who, while they still make less than the men, still make $200,000 a year.
Passive aggressive wicked winter wish #2. 5 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I remember one year in elementary we got 4.5 feet of snow over the weekend, nope they didn't cancel it at all.
Not a cop 4 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
seems legit
Sourdough bread! 12 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
either that or it has one split end hair on the end
Almost as bad as vegans 4 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I like bacon.. but no one ever asks me...
Makes sense or not? 33 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Maybe they (less 65) should listen to them(older 65).
Makes sense or not? 33 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Sounds like communism in the making. First the 65 and older don't vote. Then the 30 and younger can't vote because they don't have enough experience. Then its the people of various other groups for one reason or another. Pretty soon it's, 'the government knows best and will take care of you'.