
— FIRE_IS_HOT Report User
A little social experiment. Vote in the comments 67 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Are children not innocent?
Would we be the bullies 12 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
True, and from what I understand even China is upset with North Korea with what they have been doing lately
A little social experiment. Vote in the comments 67 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Most likely not
How a helmet can save your life 7 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
In other words, thanks to his helmet he got stitches instead of cremated.
We all have that friend 8 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I see nothing wrong with this
This truly baffles me 11 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Because hate can give the feeling of guarding oneself, while love can make one feel vulnerable. And that scares people.
Mine uses a different language 11 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Did anyone else read it in a Scottish accent?
Get Lost B*tch! 3 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Seriously! I mean where are your priorities?
When your friends say they "got your back" and mean it literally! 3 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Everyone needs a friend like that!
Tissues 1 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Tissues with Issues
He's dead 17 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Makes you just kind of shrivel up inside
Conversations with the Wife, Getting Caught edition 12 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
If my spouse called me that I wouldn't 'put out' either
I hope I'm not the only one 11 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Your room is always hot when I am there
Mom improvised 6 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Go Mom!
It was a weapon of mass lactation 44 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I don't want to see the squirting, but I definitely want to see the reaction of the one squirted on! The squirtee?
Simple 25 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Thats a good point, what if it is the same ingredients but different proportions or amounts? That could change amount it cost to make which would make it a different purchase price.
Simple 25 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Haha nope just same brand. I actually use dollar shave club right now.
Simple 25 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I've used mens and womens razors and for me the Mens razors did better on shaving my face. My wife liked it for her legs better too so it all works out.
LEtGO 5 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I laughed harder at this than I probably should have.
What are they looking for!? 13 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
They only pretend to be strict. They are some of the highest consumers of porn in the world.
Monty Python Amirite? 5 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I needed this
Why do these people exist? 22 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
I think this is why some guys don't treat women like they should be, cause some women treat good guys like this.
What are they looking for!? 13 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Must have this many weapons to enter
Just Don't Be That Guy 6 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
Ah look, its a supervisor, looking comfy in his natural habitat.
A minor stroke captured on video so you know what to kook out for 5 comments
fire_is_hot · 7 years ago
True dat. Also a stroke will usually affect their arms too and also memory and comprehension.