

— fluffydress Report User
Today, not in the news [PitBullSubstance] 31 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
So just another insult.
BaN tHeSe DoGs - Vicious PitBull Attack 36 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
Can you please respond to the points instead of insulting? Why are you posting propanda about a dangerous animal?
BaN tHeSe DoGs - Vicious PitBull Attack 36 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
You have posted the same boring posts multiple times. You are hurting people by making them ignorant of pitbulls.
Today, not in the news [PitBullSubstance] 31 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
Can you please respond to what I said instead of making up a strawman?
Today, not in the news [PitBullSubstance] 31 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
Can you please at least have a conversation instead of constantly trying to have an argument?
BaN tHeSe DoGs - Vicious PitBull Attack 36 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
I will gladly "put myself through" commenting on a post in hopes that you stop posting dangerous propaganda that gets so many people hurt, mutiliated, killed. People lose pets and family members because of this. I would do anything to help them.
BaN tHeSe DoGs - Vicious PitBull Attack 36 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
And now you blame the girl who was attacked by a monstrous dog. Typical pit nutter insanity. This is unreal.
Today, not in the news [PitBullSubstance] 31 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
It's you who's genocidal. You don't care that pitbulls murder hundreds of people and animals every single year.
Today, not in the news [PitBullSubstance] 31 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
That's a nice poem but doesn't address what I said.
Today, not in the news [PitBullSubstance] 31 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
It is the dogs. It's in their genetics.
Today, not in the news [PitBullSubstance] 31 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
Why do you constantly post pitbull propaganda? Have you no empathy for the people they mutilate and murder? I really hope it never happens to you.
BaN tHeSe DoGs - Vicious PitBull Attack 36 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
xvarnah I have already responded to your complaint and you have failed to read my comment. I made no implication whatsoever that you knew about Georgia. I made no implication that I expected you to know about Georgia. I simply said there was an attack today and you should have empathy. I already cleared this up for you, but you repeated yourself.
· Edited 4 years ago
BaN tHeSe DoGs - Vicious PitBull Attack 36 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
thatguyyouknow It is the dog. Do you know whhy they are called pibulls? They were bred to fight inside a pit with other animals such as bulls. It's in their genes.
BaN tHeSe DoGs - Vicious PitBull Attack 36 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
You also care absolutely nothing for dogs if you think this is cute. This dog is displaying extreme anxiety and discomfort. You couldn't care less about dogs so you just think "aww goofi boye." You can clearly see how stressed and unhappy this dog is.
BaN tHeSe DoGs - Vicious PitBull Attack 36 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
"I posted this on the 16th." Typical pit nutter insanity and lack of empathy. I didn't claim you heard about this story. I didn't claim you heard about Georgia specifically. I never even implied that you did. I simply said a girl was a victim of a pitbull attack today. These attacks happen sp often, including today, which shows your disrespectful meme aged like milk. The 16th of March was not the first day a pitbull has mutilated someone. I said you should have empathy because these attacks are so ludicrously common that there was even one today.
Pit bulls smiling 5 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
Oh don't worry. I've studied dogs. I can correct yuou when you don't know what you're talking about but you have to act like you know better than others. The only dog without teeth showing is that creepy monster on the top left.
BaN tHeSe DoGs - Vicious PitBull Attack 36 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
Actually it was yesterday, March 17th, because it's after midnight right now. These posts mocking the victims of pitbulls are nauseating.
BaN tHeSe DoGs - Vicious PitBull Attack 36 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
Dude, an 18 year old girl was just attacked by a pitbull today and mutilated. Her name was Georgia Wilson-Wheeler. Have some empathy.
· Edited 4 years ago
Pit bulls smiling 5 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
Fun fact: Dogs don't smile. They have no "when I'm happy my mouth smiles" thing in their brain. These pitbulls are bearing their teeth, opening their mouth wider either to cool down or out of aggression.
Stahlzahn, Sentinel of Concrete Hills 16 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
We shall have a banquet!! 2 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
Stahlzahn, Sentinel of Concrete Hills 16 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
Ban these dogs.
It's rats bro... The rats are making out 23 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
"Lastly, what's wrong with educating kids about sex?" Holy sht please tell me you're joking. Teaching kids about sex is how you make kids have sex early. And it's really disgusting that you say "happiness not length" is the goal of a relationship. I'm certain you're trolling.
· Edited 4 years ago
It's rats bro... The rats are making out 23 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
Where do you see the rats making out? It's clearly a regular kiss.
· Edited 4 years ago
It's rats bro... The rats are making out 23 comments
fluffydress · 4 years ago
But why are they showing it to kids though? It is pretty messed up. Can't they just leave kids alone?
· Edited 4 years ago