

— Kyla Report User
Kratos does ballet! 10 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
The shoes are tied wrong and it's grinding my gears
How Many Fandoms Can You Find? 82 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
James Bond is on there too
She will fit right into my place 10 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I can do that.... Human Tetris time!
Hairball gummy bears 10 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Dieing of laughter now
Different ways of cutting a sandwich 26 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
The triangle way is the only way for me
Hairball gummy bears 10 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Ohhhh okay thank you very much, that makes sense now
Pepsi vs coca cola 7 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I always think of the1998 one as the logo when I think of Pepsi... Ironic
Ii was born in '99
Comment Yours 36 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Go f*ck a potato is what I have started saying, don't even know where it came from...
Hairball gummy bears 10 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I don't get it... I'm tired.... Can someone explain please?
Ikea 7 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
It's like Pirates of the Caribbean; part of the crew, part of the ship
Just try to find Kanye 30 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
What was the comment?
The 2014 Grammy's Summed Up in One Photo 11 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I thought it was cool... Way better than being half-naked on stage and doing some crappy dance moves
Which one are you? 29 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Gamma for sure, I'm an artist and a dancer (ballet is an art)
· Edited 10 years ago
Just try to find Kanye 30 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Thank you
We all have monsters 23 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
The monsters in my head don't sleep
Is this true or is this true? 8 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Ready for RA inspection 13 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Same here...
Grandmas 30 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
That's how America is, it says on the can 99ยข
Guess troll 15 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Those are some artsy frying pans... Someone call Instagram
Why can't people just exept me? 159 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Ignore them, your perfect the way you are
Grandmas 30 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Well huh
Oh dear God he was right 8 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I have 20 channels...
Grandmas 30 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Applesaplles how much are they for you?
Frozen's easter egg 16 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
At the end of tangled, while talking about their honeymoon, Eugene says that he hears summer in Arendelle are lovely. (Arendelle is where Fozen takes place)
Why can't people just exept me? 159 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I'm exactly the same way, and I used to have this over weight friend. She constantly made fun if me for being skinny, called me anorexic, and made me feel downright terrible. I asked her one time if she wanted to go for a run,(I live in a foresty-mountainy area so it's a very pretty area), and she completely freaked out saying I was calling her fat, she told literally everyone she knew that I called her fat all the time and was a b*tch to her. It sucked.
38 · Edited 10 years ago