

— Kyla Report User
Sassy Amsterdam 21 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I'm psychic.
Those bastards 8 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I always just lay underneith them. (Under the armrests and on the chairs.)
Sassy Amsterdam 21 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Did anyone else notice that the hotel in the background is called Fuck Hotel.....
How to do your eyebrows 32 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
My eyebrows are blonde. I look eyebrow-less.
And they still don't close it 7 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality.
Idiots everywhere 7 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I'm selling my old ipod with flappy bird on it, any buyers?
Do people actually do this?? 21 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
This makes me happy 6 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Or Tom Hiddleston, I want to marry his voice
Scumbag netflix 17 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
This is what I'm doing right now.
Quatre-vingt-dix-sept 13 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I'm trying to learn beginning French this year, but I don't think it wants to be learned.
If you girls ever feels lazy 8 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I do this all of summer
6 · Edited 10 years ago
Math problems 6 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Our school offers business math, which teaches you this.
Gotta love 'em 5 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I freaking love them
We just have to worry about our camel-toes 15 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Every. Single. Time.
Gender inequality 120 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Although this is very true, women still aren't given jobs equally. My mom worked for a company for a few years and had a management position. However, she was told that even though she did the same thing, for the same company, for the same amount of time, and with the same job position, she still would be paid less simple because she was a woman and the coworker got paid more simply because he was a man. Of course she quit and found a better job, but still. I u d'état and this is NOT the case with many companies, but the fact that it happened still shouldn't be okay.
4 · Edited 10 years ago
Different versions of Macklemore 13 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
*See's Imagine Dragons* Let the fangirling begin.
For P!ATD fans 25 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Oh hot dammmmnnn
Enslaved alice 22 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
It's a trap! 7 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Well shit
It's a trap! 7 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Posted by sexuallyconfusedpanda
Roses are brown today 41 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I was 14 when I got mine...
Roses are brown today 41 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I'm alone as usual and our school sells valintine chocolate roses so I always just send a ton to me and nobody knows I'm the one sending them to myself....
Wait.... THOSE AREN'T STARS! 14 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
WoW. That is awesome
I can't see anything 7 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Our power goes out so much my school just bought a generator
Wait.... THOSE AREN'T STARS! 14 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
What is that?