

— Kyla Report User
How to reduce teenage pregnancy 17 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Ataraxicxarsenic my friend locked hers in her car and left it there, needless to say she failed and had to take it home a second time
How to reduce teenage pregnancy 17 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Our health class makes us take home electronic babies for one weekend. They cry and scream. They have to be fed, rocked, held, and have their diapers changed. You have to take care if it the whole time because if this bracelet that is impossible to take off without sissors. The computer thingy inside the baby keeps track of how long it takes you to respond to the cry's, if you keep it's head alined properly, if you through/hit it, ect. And graded you. That's our final health grade. It is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!! But I guess it's pretty effective. And yes it cry's ALL night.
And the nobel prize for best invention goes too. 18 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I just looked it up, sadly this is not real.
Describe your perfect date 6 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I love that movie
Disney logic 22 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Having very straight hair past my waist, I can confirm this to be true.
Well this is interesting 15 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Hmmm... My childhood was filled with cassettes. (1999-2008/2009ish)
I would! 7 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
It was 6inches long, so yeah it was a mini one. However, my engineering teachers best friend works for a company that builds major race cars and what they have been doing is 3d printing the parts to be tested ( the ones that are really used aren't because the printed ones only last so long). Pretty awesome if you ask me.
I would! 7 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Ironically I just printed out a 3D CO2 car for my engineering and tech class (yes I designed it on a computer first)
9 · Edited 10 years ago
As a European visiting the U.S. This machine blew my mind 52 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I live in California/Nevada and they have these everywhere
Well that's Creativity 9 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
By any chance do you know who choreographed this?
This is why I love the queen 8 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I'd invite Tom Hiddleston, if he showed up I'd marry him instead.
Your Star Wars Name 175 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Pieky Pitru
Anybody care to tell me the song? 11 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I just died ^
*fangirls wildly* 15 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
There go my ovaries... again.
save the date :] 29 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
A.k.a a total lunar eclipse
Tom Hiddleston Explains The Art of Villainy in a Jaguar Ad 12 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
There go my ovaries
Satisfying Gif 34 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I am sad to say I watched the whole gif seven times in a row.
*fangirls to death* 20 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
That, my friends, is cartoon puberty done right.
Some questions that often come to mind 146 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
My personal opinion:
1. No
2. Back
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. No
7. Yes, but I am a very tall girl so yeah
· Edited 10 years ago
Why is this so 7 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Pointe shoes: Zero green (they look pretty), Infinite red
Marvel rings 20 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Since there's no Loki one I'll take hawkeye
6 · Edited 10 years ago
It was only a kiss 11 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
And she's taking a drag. Now my stomach is sick,
Wrote this today 18 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Yeah, so in that way it's kind of nice
Preach 18 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
^and yet people in the heavier side can't seem to understand this
Wrote this today 18 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I only have 2 minutes between classes.... So yeah lucky guest who has 10 minutes