

— Kyla Report User
Beautiful story in reader's digest 5 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I love Readers Digest
Mark your calendars! 29 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
That's also the last day of school for me
American public education system in a nutshell 72 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
There are less than 70 people in the graduating class this year.
American public education system in a nutshell 72 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I'm from Califonia
American public education system in a nutshell 72 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Since kindergarten my teachers have happily given me more advanced work and have always encouraged me to excel. I go to an American public high school with around 350 people, in elementary there were even less. I don't know where you guys have been going to school but it sounds terrible!
Five stages of finals 8 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
^ That was me, I forgot to sign in.
Too ffff-ing loud 22 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I too play flute, our band directer has determined that, no matter what the music says, the flutes always play piano.
Future of roads 21 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Hopefully (I'm agreeing with you)
2 · Edited 10 years ago
Future of roads 21 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
We actually are starting to fund this.
British problems 24 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
That's really awesome
British problems 24 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
What's the two minute silence?
Power to the books!!! 20 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I absolutely love books, but I also love reading them on my kindle. I have a kindle touch (no backlight) and I only charge it once a month, I read around 5 hours a day, I have saved a TON of money (the kindle was $75 and books are $2-$5), I can fit the five books that I'm currently reading into my backpack along with all my textbooks and laptop (couldn't do that with actually books), and I have saved paper.
Two kinds of people in the morning 24 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
5:30, 5:45, 6:00, and 6:10. The last one is a recording of my friend screaming BITCH YOU'RE GONNA BE LAATTTTEEE!
How do you even respond to this? 8 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
One day after ballet my friend and I were standing outside of the ballet studio waiting to be picked up, we were each wearing a leotard, t-shirt, and tights. This really creepy old guy with crutches came walking up to us. Naturally, we were polite and moved out of the way so that he could get buy. Then he walked right up to us and said, "don't worry ladies, I don't bite." He moved closer and whispered, "All the time." That was the creepiest freaking thing that has ever happened to me, especially since we were wearing leotards.
Kim Possible 15 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I loves that show because my initials are KP
Step two is actually step one. 5 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
When I'm doing push-ups my cat comes and lays on my back.
I'm friend seven 25 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I'm friend 7
Embarrassingly stupid 27 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Start with a bang, end with a bang ;) 11 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I think I would blast Far too Young to Die by Panic! At the Disco
Boyfriend Checklist 31 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Mine is "Must be Tom Hiddleston"
5 · Edited 10 years ago
Do it 20 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I'm really loving all the Tom Hiddleston posts :)
Optical Illusion 31 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
This is my favorite "optical illusion"
Damn right 7 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Hell yeah he is
Yes Please!!! I Volunteer!! 26 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Me and about 5 friends decided that we would get a ton of real eyes, stab them with butter knifes, and through them at the producers house.
because Loki was the highlight of The Dark world 13 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I'd watch this 24/7