

— Kyla Report User
For my americans friends, is called lettuce 17 comments
flyingskiier · 9 years ago
This is the best idea anyone has ever had, we should replace french fries everywhere with lettuce.
Danm shame if you ask me 23 comments
flyingskiier · 9 years ago
Its not true, they are not removing the locks but are requesting that no more locks be placed on the bridge
Being British 27 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Watching Sherlock
Being British 27 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Yes. Yes it is.
Guy does perfect Impression of the 11th Doctor! 17 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Check out his other videos, he's not.
Guy does perfect Impression of the 11th Doctor! 17 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
His youtube videos are all really awesome
Too many kitty toes 7 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
My mom once rescued a cat from the middle of the highway while she was 8 months pregnant. Yes, it was a very busy road and she made all the cars stop while she went and got the cat, turned out it had 7 toes on one foot (the rest had just 5).
Good Guy John Green 35 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
By any chance did you make an account just for this post?
Good Guy John Green 35 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
This is Funsubstance and gay means attracted to the same gender. Therefore, if Funsubstance is considered a gender and Funsubstance is Funsubstance, all you are saying is that Funsubstance is attracted to Funsubstance. Being that there is only one Funsubstance, that would mean that Funsubstance loves itself. In my opinion, everyone should love and feel good about themselves. So thank you, guest who will probably never read this, for encouraging people, and Funsubstance, to love themselves/itself.
Add some introversion and a dash of anxiety and that's a winning combination. 8 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
This, unfortunately, describes my life perfectly.
f*ck you jack 8 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
This is not what I meant by 'flying skier'...
5 · Edited 10 years ago
Scariest story ever. 67 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Scariest story ever. 67 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
We do pacers once a week and we must do at least 75, 100 gets extra credit. The most I ever did was 132 and our school record is 300. And yes, ours get faster as they progress. You guys who only had to do 50 are so so so sooooo freaking lucky. FYI this is running length wise across a full volleyball court
1 · Edited 10 years ago
Priorities 22 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
You spelled 'you' wrong!!!
Priorities 22 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I hope to one day become president, or as least get into politics because unlike most, I do actually care.
A birthday gift for Jesus.... 30 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
It's even more stupid because that's not even how religion explains it anyway!
I need this monstrosity 8 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
It's a super duper old snow groomer
FML 14 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I´m sure this IS the intended use 10 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Lg already has a flexible phone for sale
No child left behind 8 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
I actually take more "arts" classes than academic classes, I have since kindergarden. (All of my school does, and yes, it is a public school.)
Let's face it.... 11 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
No. Just no.
Let's face it.... 11 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Broken toes and lost/cracked toe nails feel just great when dancing on pointe.... Not.
Panic Everywhere 6 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
Just like you
Panic Everywhere 6 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
This >>>>> everything else
Add "in my ass" 227 comments
flyingskiier · 10 years ago
What I got in my ass...