And literally not a single f*uck was given that day 8 comments
· 7 years ago
You should tell a parent immediately.
Didn't want them to know I was drinking while making corrections 2 comments
· 7 years ago
I handed a test back to a learner, as he opened the folio there was a cigarette inside. One of mine that rolled into his folio somehow. He was 16 in grade 9, was also a smoker. Without breaking eye contact he pocketed the cigarette, so I just kept handing out tests.
She's going to grow up broken 3 comments
· 7 years ago
My girlfriend grew up like that, she is afraid of pretty much everything today. Except commitment ofcourse.
Gov vs Teacher funded classroom 7 comments
just in case you weren't aware 56 comments
· 7 years ago
Tell people about Christianity is the instruction, they then can choose. That's it, not to further judge their choice, or further bug them to comply, that's not your place.
A frozen geyser 2 comments