

— freault4 Report User
Veszelyite crystals 3 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
Mohs hardness of 3.5-4. Too bad. Would make a beautiful ring!
Nice work, marines 4 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
Aaaand, I didn't think I could feel lazier today...!
Not in the mood for a title 17 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
There was a This American Life about a black student, Zora Bikangaga, who--on a dare--pretended to be Ugandan when he first got to college/met his roommate. He got in so deep that he pretended for, like, the whole year before he actually confessed...
Warning: Im glad we're at the day and age where you guys don't defend rapists 28 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
I've been told "I owed it to him." People say messed up things to justify themselves. Don't act too shocked.
WLTH 109: no way not okay 47 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
Unfortunately, doesn't make it any less damaging to people who really want to report rape or get treatment for flashbacks/PTSD.
Bill bill bill bill 29 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
I see this as needing a distinction, like bw "medical professional" and "doctor." He doesn't have an advanced degree but plays it like he does.
Japanese reaction to Scarlett Johansson in Hollywood adaptation of Ghost in the Shell 21 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
You are right, ultimately. I suppose I was using short-hand. Most of the people I know (who work in the industry and were questioning curatorial decisions regarding the exhibit) were white. And then I saw the explosion of the incident on the internet. What was really heartening, though, was the way the public really was able to see through the controversy and be enthusiastic about the narrative presented and the opportunity to celebrate Japanese culture!
Warning: Booty Assassin 7 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
You've got that ass, and you're complaining about salt?!
"My friends call me Meg. At least they would if I had any friends" 11 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
Underrated characters
Correct way to place ham 13 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
Tell me how!!
Japanese reaction to Scarlett Johansson in Hollywood adaptation of Ghost in the Shell 21 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
It reminds me of the time that the MFA Boston had a "try on a kimono" event in connection to one of their blockbuster exhibitions, and the whole white community was super butt-hurt and protested outside. On Facebook, the entire Japanes community--expat and otherwise--was like...what. We actually think this is great!
2meirl4meirl 5 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
Christmas' candid surprise 4 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
Looks like they gave him shoes, food, drink, a blanket?
This guy 10 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
I thought that that was the joke...?
"If you're under 6 feet don't even talk to me" 18 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
I don't think most of them do. It's generally male-on-male peer pressure. Plus. If you're too big, it hurts. Don't blame us. Women also have certain, insidious woman-on-woman standards that we really shouldn't blame men on (make-up and high-heels for example)
A 6-year-old explaining why dogs don't live as long as people 4 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
can I have this dog?
They're never satisfied 16 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
Plus, she's adorable-pear-shaped!
Guy lost for 5 years 14 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
Wasn't this on 'Unexplained Mysteries' in the 90s?
Get the most out of $2 9 comments
freault4 · 7 years ago
I grew up eating, literally *buckets* of tomatoes. We had to come up with recipes/reasons to eat them. Nothing tastes better than a garden-grown tomato, in my opinion.
Born at the right time 11 comments
freault4 · 8 years ago
Well, at the very least we'll enjoy a cold, cold cyber war
7 · Edited 8 years ago
That's how they work 6 comments
freault4 · 8 years ago
This is oddly inspirational.
I have a huge squish on Zeus 19 comments
freault4 · 8 years ago
I've always called it a friend crush.
Real life Mary Jane 17 comments
freault4 · 8 years ago
With her gravity-defying coffee
Kaptain, what is this? 13 comments
freault4 · 8 years ago
A Yayoi Kusama mirror installation
yo dog 4 comments
freault4 · 8 years ago
Who gets to be the pig and the cow?