
Posting fun stuff, hope you like them! Report User

Modern cabin in Finnskogen, Norway

Modern cabin in Finnskogen, Norway

Houses talking after the tornado in panama city beach last night!

Houses talking after the tornado in panama city beach last night!

Unnatural idiotic miserly

Unnatural idiotic miserly

What do you do with a tired prostitute?

What do you do with a tired prostitute?



Those feels when all the meanies tell you no one cares about John Oliver

Those feels when all the meanies tell you no one cares about John Oliver

Attack on *****es

Attack on *****es

Red tailed Hawk, Ny

Red tailed Hawk, Ny

A note near the grocery shop's cashier that is situated in the heart of a desert

A note near the grocery shop's cashier that is situated in the heart of a desert

Daniel Radcliffe once wore the same clothes every time he went outside for a total of six

Daniel Radcliffe once wore the same clothes every time he went outside for a total of six