

— freshhhtodeath Report User
Good point 35 comments
freshhhtodeath · 9 years ago
Never seen a group of people as ignorant as the group of people that commented on this picture. Smh
i dont know why, but i find this hilarious. 12 comments
freshhhtodeath · 9 years ago
This happened to one of mine too!
Not sure how I feel about this 15 comments
freshhhtodeath · 9 years ago
It's so sad, I take a one year hiatus from fun substance and I come back and it's full of ignorant/racist pictures and comments. I wonder what happened to this place.
Squidward and Depression 12 comments
freshhhtodeath · 10 years ago
Aesthetically pleasing 8 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
A colorful afternoon 4 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
This made me smile :)
How the world would look if air were truly transparent 13 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
I would LOVE this. I have an obsession with space
Punny. 5 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
I worked at hollister! Lol
People should realize this 43 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
It makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one who suffers from these kinda of things. I have terrible social anxiety from being bullied in high school and when I talked to a counselor about it he just told me "high school doesn't matter now" but he doesn't realize it still does to me :/ after high school I was in an abusive relationship for 3 years and then got cheated on. I have no friends anymore and I'm too scared to make more cause of my anxiety, and it makes me extremely depressed :( I hate feeling alone and secluded from everyone. My 21st birthday is next month and I feel like I won't have anyone to go out with or celebrate it with
Just Girly Things 33 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
Partychick, it's not okay to publicly mock people over their color, but it seems like all the "black people like watermelon and fried chicken" posts are okay and nobody complains about that, but "white people like Starbucks and iPhones" aren't okay. I just don't like the apparent double standard. I respect your struggle 100%. I've been through the same thing in middle/high school. I never felt like I fit in with my white classmates, even though I am half white. I don't mean to disrespect anyone on here but it just makes me angry sometimes. Why do people say white stereotype posts are racist but nobody ever wants to say the black stereotype posts are?
Just Girly Things 33 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
What stereotype about white people is preventing them from getting a job or getting approved for a bank loan? White people don't see racism because it never happens to them. You think being poked fun at for liking coffee is racist? You're too sensitive. You would never make it in this world with that attitude if you were black. My mom worked her ass off through school when everyone tried to hold her back because of racism. She's come home crying over men who had to break up with her because their parents were racist. She has a masters degree but still gets spied on from workers at a store simply because she's black. I hate when white people complain about getting stereotyped over these stupid things when it's really not affecting their life whatsoever. It makes you look spoiled.
· Edited 11 years ago
Just Girly Things 33 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
Seriously people? Every time there's one of these posts about "white girl" stuff people lose their minds. You're seriously so offended that people think you shop at Starbucks and Victoria's Secret? Try having people stereotype you on the things black/Mexican people get stereotyped for and then let me know how you feel. The thing is, though, you NEVER will. So please just shut your mouths.
Just Girly Things 33 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
Aww poor you! Sorry Starbucks and uggs offend you so much. At least people don't look at you in Walmart cause they think you're gonna steal something like they do with my mom.
Just Girly Things 33 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
Good for you
Sums racism up 42 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
Idk why people downvoted this. It's absolutely true..
This happens to me with every picture of me. 8 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
No! You're beautiful :)
Not even an exclamation point 13 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
My 21st is in two months :( this makes me sad
Yeah I'm in a Gang 30 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
No. He's evil. He's basically a representation of the human race.
"have some respect for the dead?" why? I don't think they give a f*ck 9 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
Yup. My racist, evil grandma. She excluded me and my sister from everything because we're half black. I'll never have any type of respect for her!
Ignorant question, sarcastic answer 8 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
The only downfall of having green eyes. I live in a constant state of fear because I never know if I'm going to bump into an invisible mass. Thank god my dog gets happy to see me because I can usually hear her tail bumping against the walls and tables.
Lying to get out of an awkward situation 41 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
Eww and the guest is a justin bieber fan
Insanity wolf doesn't choose vegetarian 6 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
I wouldn't be a vegetarian but I totally believe in cruelty-free butchering
Remember to clean out your fridge 22 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
It's pin mold :( disgusting
Wish my parents had done this... 6 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
My step cousins' dad is British and they don't have an accent.
Classic 7 comments
freshhhtodeath · 11 years ago
Nobody died. He said he was buying flowers for a girl.