I should be called freudianshit with all the shit that's coming out of my mouth.
— JD Report User
That took a dark turn 9 comments
· 6 years ago
*flupp* and he's gone. 4 comments
That took a dark turn 9 comments
· 6 years ago
And to other people, you're the secret mission they found but doesn't want to play after reading the instructions and realizing it's too much damn work for such a small reward, so instead of actually just doing it, they actively avoid that quest until they have no other choice but to do it, and even then they are reluctant and averse to having anything to do with it. Then they eventually find another, better quest, even though they promised that they loved that first quest above all else, and whores around with the new quest instead of just confronting you about it, until you have to find out from your friends that the player plays another quest on the side, and then you're left heartbroken with nothing to do but confront them about it.
What not to do in some countries 15 comments
· 6 years ago
I have some Sweden social rules if you're interested! (It's very similar to Norway ;v;)
1. In Sweden we have a huge personal space bubble, so please do not stand too close to a Swedish person. (Fun fact! This is actually a behavior pattern formed way back in the viking times when people bore weapons, and standing on that kind of distance ensured that you would not get stabbed or slashed. So if you're close enough to stab someone, take a step back!)
2. Don't yell or speak loudly in public. It's considered rude and plain irritating.
3. Take of your shoes when visiting someone's home! I mean it, snow and mud and everything gets stuck under there, and who wants extra dirt in their house? Just leave them on the hallway floor. You can place them right next to my hopes and dreams.
Edited 6 years ago
1. In Sweden we have a huge personal space bubble, so please do not stand too close to a Swedish person. (Fun fact! This is actually a behavior pattern formed way back in the viking times when people bore weapons, and standing on that kind of distance ensured that you would not get stabbed or slashed. So if you're close enough to stab someone, take a step back!)
2. Don't yell or speak loudly in public. It's considered rude and plain irritating.
3. Take of your shoes when visiting someone's home! I mean it, snow and mud and everything gets stuck under there, and who wants extra dirt in their house? Just leave them on the hallway floor. You can place them right next to my hopes and dreams.
Me as heck 6 comments
· 6 years ago
When I see toys laying on the floor in the shop I work in, I always put them back where they belong and tell them to stay there so that someone can fall in love with them
Bff and ever and ever 6 comments
· 6 years ago
My best friend wakes me up in the middle of the night to send me pictures of beans
Committed 9 comments
· 6 years ago
My daughter loves walking, but she's not allowed outside without a leash
Committed 9 comments
I'll get the door for him on the way out 19 comments
I'll get the door for him on the way out 19 comments
· 6 years ago
Her point is that no one is inherently good just because they have a vagina, just like no one is inherently evil just because they have a penis. What matters is your decisions.
rip peanut allergy 7 comments
· 6 years ago
I can regrow half a liver in a couple of months, but I can't eat chocolate or I'm dead