I should be called freudianshit with all the shit that's coming out of my mouth.
— JD Report User
Sad but necessary 24 comments
· 6 years ago
... Do you guys need a voice of reason?
Revenge 28 comments
· 6 years ago
It is indeed, although calling it an allergy would be incorrect in both chemical and biological terms. And I realized I'm also taking this wayyyy to seriously, sorry mate.
It's all relative 3 comments
Revenge 28 comments
· 6 years ago
As stated in the beginning of the article, Aquagenic Urticaria is not considered an allergy, as allergies have to have certain reactions within the immune system to be classed as such. There is also the fact that anyone allergic to water simply could not have come to life, since we start our life surrounded by water. Water is all around us, as well as inside of us, and every human being (as well as any other animal on this planet) is based around iron, carbon and water. If the body reacted negatively to such a fundamental part of their cells, they could not really have formed properly in the first place. The body can have negative reactions towards water due to anomalies in the DNA (as in not being tolerable towards certain temperatures or contents mixed within the water (chlorine, salts, etc)), yes, but actual water allergy is not a thing that exists.
Revenge 28 comments
I'm really sorry 2 comments
Don't tax me 25 comments
Don't tax me 25 comments
· 6 years ago
*violin music*
Look around, look around, at how happy we are to be alive right now
Look around, look around...
Look around, look around, at how happy we are to be alive right now
Look around, look around...
Still a better love story than twilight 9 comments