Professional comic relief, dog petter, and disappointment.
16 years old, female, and eternally stuck in the corn field hell that is Ohio.
Relatable 3 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm always so confused by these. I really don't understand people's dependence on caffeine.
Edited 8 years ago
We do love americans 46 comments
· 8 years ago
I was born in America but spent three years in England as a young child due to my mom's work. It actually continues to affect me linguistically. Also, I'm raised by a southerner and a hill Billie, but grew up in the mid west. My family didn't come from money, but I go to a fancy private school and have just enjoyed observing their total irreverence towards the actual cost of things. Idk, I'm kind of of culturally diverse.
Look behind you... 9 comments
· 8 years ago
I like movies about scary people. Because when you watch a paranormal film, you jump and the scary parts and you scream at the monster, but when it's over, you move on. It's easy to not be afraid of ghosts and demons because you know in your heart that they aren't real. Humans are scary. They're scary because they don't have huge claws, or sharp teeth. They look like everybody else. They could be our mom, your friend, your neighbor. People are everywhere and there's no way of knowing who's a monster and who's not. A good horror movie stays with you because you realize that it's dangers are real. It's monsters are human.
Edited 8 years ago
Out of everything, none rang more true than the shitty Internet comic 44 comments
· 8 years ago
With guys I'm like "fuck me" and with girls I'm like "hold my hand and kiss my cheeks I want to grow old with you." You feel?
Idk I mean I'm more of a cuddle kind of girl and pretty equally attracted to both sexes. When I was first discovering porn, I remember I went straight to the girls, the guys just didn't interest me.
Edited 8 years ago
Idk I mean I'm more of a cuddle kind of girl and pretty equally attracted to both sexes. When I was first discovering porn, I remember I went straight to the girls, the guys just didn't interest me.
You deserve it 18 comments
Just a little something to think about 45 comments
· 8 years ago
I agree with most of this, but women were not even allowed in combat until 2013, over two decades after the first gulf war.
Why don't you do that? 7 comments
A play set we can relate to 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Haha fisher price actually had to tweet and tell people it was fake
Edited 8 years ago
Bismuth fractal 7 comments
Get a man who can do both 6 comments
What us men really want 8 comments
i want a trampoline 1 comments
· 8 years ago
Sadly, being taller than most of my peers, I was always the homie giving the double bounce.
It took me way too long to understand what this person was saying. Oh Scottish Twitter 4 comments
· 8 years ago
All I do to understand this stuff is read it in a heavy Scottish accent in my head
I totally understand the burglars 13 comments
It's A Reality, People 35 comments
· 8 years ago
And a good day to you. Yes, I will judge them, but not on their character as you said I would. I will judge them on their ability to take care of their body.
It's A Reality, People 35 comments
· 8 years ago
I never told anyone to loose weight. I just think people should give a shit about their health.
It's A Reality, People 35 comments
· 8 years ago
I just hate how fat people don't take care of themselves. My dad has a blood clot in his leg that could kill him because of a surgery he had. The surgery was on his ankle and was caused by his weight. My dad could die because of being fat and I know he's not happy. You won't be able to understand my view unless you watch someone slowly degrade before your eyes because of their weight.
It's A Reality, People 35 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, sure, downvote me, I don't care. If they're happy, they shouldn't be. It's not always their fault, but once you hit like 10/12 years old you can start making your own decisions.
Edited 8 years ago