:'( comfort is what I seek from reading this post. Comfort from my dog, he doesn't know how good he has and sometimes I don't either until I read something like this.
I've had one too many glasses of wine, I've reread this story and didn't catch feelings whereas I'm usually a crier ... So Where is his owner, in the army?
There's always a chance (hopeful at least) that the owner is alive and just wanted the dog to be with a family who can take care of it. Maybe they lived alone so no one could watch the poor baby.
I used to work at an animal shelter so I get very emotional for animals. So reading this and seeing why their owner had gave them up made me cry so much. That owner was truly a good person because they left their little boy in hopes they find a family who will love them because from the last sentence I assume they are in the army and survival chances and returning home or giving the dog the love and attention it needs is quite low... This person if they exist i love you because I seen bad owners and this made me cry so much for faith in humanity restored.
Ohmygod it's 12:40am and I'm bawling my eyes out. I read the whole story and he gets so happy it's so sad. He wouldnT have understood why his daddy dint come home and why poeple kept calling him weird names and the tennis balls oh god the tennis balls. I can't.