I'm not sure how I feel about the content of that post. But I HATE when posts are like a crazy ex, with the "I bet 99% of people won't repost this!" crap. I mean, even when I agree with a post, when it has that I immediately hate it.
i think the post means that although America should worry about other countries where the conditions are awful, we shouldn't forget about our own people who need help
Original poster is making a rant about the American government not helping its own people, commenter is pointing out the people/countries instead of the USA need it considerably more. Not an American, so I mostly read the OP as a bit of a dick that takes in what mainstream media reports as the truth without considering the "facts".
Think about how worse other people have it, and maybe consider that if you aren't walking over land mines daily to get to water, then you might be winning.
Rant over :D
"It's one thing to be a helping force around the world, but throwing money at things without the drive or desire to actively fix the problem, that's PR Bullshit, not helping people."
This.. I don't want to sound like an entitled ass, but American money should be spent on American people before it's donated to charity.
Would you give up your money before making bottom dollar? I highly doubt it.
Im from England but if I am able and anyone from ANY country needs help I will do it. Because help shouldn't depend on where u are from. I wouldn't only proitize my country just for the fact that a giving heart doesnt see it like that, they just see help where its needed.
I would fully agree on this if the bottom dollar was met. I'm not going to put myself into a similar situation caused by not paying bills simply because somebody isn't as well off as I am. Sacrificing luxuries is one thing, but giving up necessities because people in Haiti don't have steak is an entirely different beast.
And for that matter, I'm not heartless or anything. I'm a strong humanitarian and I'm frankly sickened that people are allowed to starve and be deprived of necessities, but why should two people starve because I'm donating money that likely won't be used for their problems. At the end of the day, 9/10 people that say they will donate won't. Plain and simple. If you do, I respect you fully, but most people think "I can make a comment to get likes by expressing the "cool" opinion, YAY!"
Say you've got a budget of 1,000 USD. Your bills (home, water, heat, etc.) total 800 USD. Food costs another 100 USD. Car to get to work and get said food costs another 100. Total is 1000. Should I donate 250 of that and sacrifice MYSELF to save somebody else? No. I shouldn't have to live in poverty so somebody else doesn't have to. That is incredibly absurd and quite frankly, a sick view.
If there was more money coming in than what is going out, it would be a different matter. In the case of the US, that couldn't be further from the truth. Our country is growing in debt EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY. There is NO reason to be giving out money when we can't pay for ourselves.
And on top of that, do you think the countries receiving aid would help us if the situations were flipped? I sure as hell don't.
Calm the heck down. Charity isn't an obligation. Even if you donate a dollar or a dime it's the intention and kindness you show what really cost the most.
Oh sorry I think I misread I thought you meant only helping amercians not anyone first. Yep I completely agree with you you need to make sure you can provide for yourself and family before you help. I can relate. I was helping 3 charities and had to cancel all as I stopped working as much and couldn't afford it. I felt horrible but I had to pay bills! Now im in a better job ive starting supporting again. Also money is not always needed, Im sorting out visiting a lonely elderly person once a week. Thats a good way to support without breaking the bank.
I do donate my time, quite often actually. Yesterday, I helped a couple of my neighbors out by cleaning their driveways out. There were 4 foot drifts at their entrance and they were 60 and 73 years old, no way they'd be able to get it. I'm an apprentice contractor, so sometimes I end up doing stuff for free, on top of the fact that my rates are already VERY low and we are just about some of the only guys who actually do things right it seems. I don't donate money a lot, but I donate time. I think hands on is FAR better than giving money, but money can be helpful, too.
I'm sorry for expressing my view in such a way that "theslothqueen" thought I was angry, I couldn't be further from mad, but you know how the internet works, you say one thing and somebody thinks you're pissed simply because of your vocabulary, lol
For that matter, using capitals does not express rage. That needs to be made clear for that person. I've never seen somebody use selective capitalization to show it.
Sorry. Sometimes capitalization is used as a way to like scream lol. like my last comment, is the intention and kindness what really counts. And that favor you did to those elderly is a really good example of that.
· 11 years ago
I think it comes down to what is more important to you - if you feel poverty is a worst issue, then donate to charities like Oxfam. If you are ashamed of your country's care for the elderly, then donate to something like Help the Aged. These choices are all personal, depending on family, past experience, knowledge and ideas on the future. We shouldn't criticise others for prioritising different issues to us - if they didn't then their problem would only escalate. Instead, we should celebrate the people that give what they can to help the less fortunate :)
*confession bear* I actually think that America should mind it's own business and stop trying to help other countries until they get their own shit sorted out.
· 11 years ago
I do not reeaaly support UN and US Gov choices when it comes to this because I basically live in a third worldish country and yah. But I've been to an actual 3rd world country, the UN n stuff go there for like a few weeks then leave then come back months later depending on the situation. I agree in helping other countries etc:)
I think the only point that can be said about America is that benefits and pay are being cut for our troops. The homeless starve. Yet Congressmen don't take leave without pay.
In America people are idiots and believe that in countries that are Third World every person is starving, miserable, dying, and shooting each other! Yes these are very real problems but it's so close minded to think that these places don't have culture, dignity, or any social class variation! Not everyone who lives in Africa has AIDS and has to walk 30 miles to get water. Some people have these problems but it's a very ignorant generalization to assume that's how every single person there lives.
I get your point but you don't have to call them idiots. And please don't be so sellfish. You have yourself said "not everyone" but what about those "everyone" who DO suffer. Because they do exist. And just by calling the people who help idiots won't change a thing.
What are you talking about, i live in a 3rd world country and I'm alive, with food, and internet. Not all places in 3rd world countries are horrible and poor so please don't make assumptions. I definitely didn't get a gun at 7 and i know plenty of elderly. I'm sure that we appreciate the help sou send to our countries but just because we need help doesn't mean that all of us are helpless.
I'll spend my entire life supporting the United States, and unless we have a revolution soon, I'll spend my entire life supporting the US Government. So when my Grandpa was fucked over after fighting and being a POW in Korea, when my father has to all but shut down his squadron because of budget fuck ups, I get kinda pissed. It's one thing to be a helping force around the world, but throwing money at things without the drive or desire to actively fix the problem, that's PR Bullshit, not helping people.
Theres hardship everywhere, some more than others, some less than others but at the end of the day every country needs help to some extent. Its what the governments or people in charge of the help that they recieve, that should use it effectively to what they require. You say you should only help yourselves but i bet if the help was given to you from someone else you would accept it wholeheartedly and then there is someone like you on their side, saying exactly what your saying, about the fact they helped you.
Think about how worse other people have it, and maybe consider that if you aren't walking over land mines daily to get to water, then you might be winning.
Rant over :D
This.. I don't want to sound like an entitled ass, but American money should be spent on American people before it's donated to charity.
Would you give up your money before making bottom dollar? I highly doubt it.
And for that matter, I'm not heartless or anything. I'm a strong humanitarian and I'm frankly sickened that people are allowed to starve and be deprived of necessities, but why should two people starve because I'm donating money that likely won't be used for their problems. At the end of the day, 9/10 people that say they will donate won't. Plain and simple. If you do, I respect you fully, but most people think "I can make a comment to get likes by expressing the "cool" opinion, YAY!"
If there was more money coming in than what is going out, it would be a different matter. In the case of the US, that couldn't be further from the truth. Our country is growing in debt EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY. There is NO reason to be giving out money when we can't pay for ourselves.
And on top of that, do you think the countries receiving aid would help us if the situations were flipped? I sure as hell don't.
I'm sorry for expressing my view in such a way that "theslothqueen" thought I was angry, I couldn't be further from mad, but you know how the internet works, you say one thing and somebody thinks you're pissed simply because of your vocabulary, lol
For that matter, using capitals does not express rage. That needs to be made clear for that person. I've never seen somebody use selective capitalization to show it.