Firstly I'd like to say I'm 100% against discrimination so I'm not putting the gist of this ad down. But when this ad first came out a lot of people pointed out the following; Google tailors it's predictive search to your past searches. So if you spend a lot of time searching out discrimination on Google you're going to get predictive search results like this.
I know that you're right, but I assure you that my searches are pretty much restricted to pregnancy symptoms, heroin symptoms, pokemon, dominoes pizza, and doctor who, but the results that popped up when /I/ searched this in the following order were:
"wear bras"
"go to college"
Google tailors it to most common thing searched if you haven't searched anything like it in the past.
Wtf? "Shouldn't Box?" Ok, Just would like to note: Women's Boxing is 10X better then Male, because they actually are aloud to hit harder and go for longer strikes when hitting... Lol I'm not a sports person how dafuq do I know dees?
I think all discrimination is wrong, like African women are always stereotyped as fat chicken eaters, or Americans being fat, filthy rich, and always eating doughnuts.
You don't "give" people equality- you take away the discrimination and oppressive roadblocks that are in the way. No one "gave" the right to vote to people of color and women- they stopped the discrimination and oppressive laws that had been keeping them from their rights in the first place. I hope that makes sense- rights are rights because they exist beyond being given and taken.
Then why don't you start working in the oilfield and doing what i do every day. Then I MIGHT listen to your bitching every single night! All I want to do is come home to a happy wife! IM A HAPPY GUY! But she ruins it by telling me shit like this! How I don't treat her as an equal! SHES RIGHT! BECAUSE I PUT HER ABOVE MYSELF! Women don't get discriminated against! This is a woman's world and men are the ones with the heartache and sorrow! So until you have your marriage ruined and kids scarred for life by a woman! Don't you ever....EVER! TELL ME THAT WOMEN ARE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST YOU SON OF A BITCH!
This pisses me off, because women do get discriminated against. Just because you don't do it and your wife says you do doesn't mean we don't. Even in America, my mother had to fight to get paid more than the men who work UNDER her. Outside of America, women are still forced into arranged marriages and treated like property. Just because /you/ don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. This isn't talking about just privileged women in first-world countries, so shut your mouth.
So I am guessing by your caps lock that you are angry. I can see that you have a hard job, and don't believe you are treated fairly- which I don't know your home situation, I can't tell you about that. What I would ask is that you look at this as if you had a daughter.
Women and men have different experiences when it comes to how the are treated by the world at large- both cause pain, and both need understanding from the opposite gender. Your daughter has a 1 in 4 chance of being raped by the time she is 18, and an over 1 in 2 chance of being sexually harassed before puberty. Between the ages of 13-33, she is more likely to be killed by a romantic partner than any other cause. She's less likely to be hired, and when she is the wages are only 70% of her male counterparts.
Your wife knows about these challenges, she has lived them. And while you and your sons have challenges of their own, perhaps some progress could be made if you were to sit down and talk about what affected you as children, and how you both as parents can work to help your children through these problems. That way you can raise your children with the tools to avoid the pain you both experienced.
I agree, saviourself is becoming (already was, I'm guessing) a self-righteous dick who spouts feminist propaganda, with literally no idea how the world really works. Those statistics you sited, completely false. Probability of rape is closer to 1 in 10000 than 1 in 4. And 50% of prepubescents being sexually harassed is bullshit. Finally, that fucking 70% people keep bandying around is absolutely false. Women in the exact same job earn roughly the same amount as men. In fact some women in their 40s who have never stopped to have a child will earn roughy 116% what a man makes. The reason women as a whole earn less than men is simply because they do less fucking work (due to flexi-time arrangements, childcare, maternity leave etc). There should be equality of opportunity between the sexes, not equality of outcome. And we already have equality of opportunity.
And where did the guest get those statistics? On average, stranger rapists will rape 30 different women before they're caught. 1 in 5 women are raped in their lifetime, and 1 in 71 men. 85% of sexual assaults are done by someone they /know/. If you don't have a fact about prepubescents being sexually harassed, how do you know? Childcare /costs/ us money, as most jobs do /not/ pay for it. And as far as opportunities go, I actually believe we've gone too far in most cases, because it is easier for most women to get a job, just like it is for other races, because employer's have to hire a certain number of not white males. Society, I think (as far as jobs and opportunities go) tries far too hard to treat women and non-white races better so as to not seem racist or sexist, but that leads to people believing there is no such thing, while on the individual level it's still present. And, like I said, this isn't just about in first-world countries. In general, I think feminism is stupid except
Look at the discussion, that is amazing! I appreciate your words, guest 1, and guest 2, I have an article for you which has multiple sources all cited and click ready- all you need to do is find the fact you are unsure of, click it, and you can see the sources:
I am concerned with how rare you seem to think rape is- I understand that you may not have a girlfriend to talk this issue over with, but you do have a mother. You should ask her (and any other women in your life) how old she was the first time she was harassed. Ask her what she does when she is out alone to avoid detection, to protect herself from being assaulted. Ask her the last time she felt safe in a public place alone. Ask her how she felt when she heard about her friend/neighbor/peer who had been assaulted, because we all know someone. I hope a conversation like this with a woman you care about will help you see.
Charlie, another user and I just posted extensively proving guests 'off the top of his head' statistics to be not just wrong, but those of someone living in an imaginary dreamworld where he must never have to speak or deal with women to have even the glimmer of reality set In type of wrong.
Feel free to click on the link I provided, numerous sources for each fact is provided. All you have to do is click. I won't even make you "Eat a dick" As you so Freudianly say. :-)
you know he's telling you to eat a dick so you can go back and use his dick as a toothpick. it's the only hope of every being of worth to a woman the little dingy has. poor, tiny, swin.
There is no need to go there- just because people insult you or try to get you to get into some sort of immature name calling or insult jabbing- Don't lower yourself to it. It never helps anything, and only succeeds making you look small, like others who do that.
I for one can see where your wife is coming from if you don't even look at us equally just because we're disagreeing with you. You don't even look at all of the facts before you called Saviourself a bitch, and you don't even seem to try to see sense in talking to people rather than believing your own opinion and an anonymous poster on the internet.
"wear bras"
"go to college"
Google tailors it to most common thing searched if you haven't searched anything like it in the past.
Women and men have different experiences when it comes to how the are treated by the world at large- both cause pain, and both need understanding from the opposite gender. Your daughter has a 1 in 4 chance of being raped by the time she is 18, and an over 1 in 2 chance of being sexually harassed before puberty. Between the ages of 13-33, she is more likely to be killed by a romantic partner than any other cause. She's less likely to be hired, and when she is the wages are only 70% of her male counterparts.
I am concerned with how rare you seem to think rape is- I understand that you may not have a girlfriend to talk this issue over with, but you do have a mother. You should ask her (and any other women in your life) how old she was the first time she was harassed. Ask her what she does when she is out alone to avoid detection, to protect herself from being assaulted. Ask her the last time she felt safe in a public place alone. Ask her how she felt when she heard about her friend/neighbor/peer who had been assaulted, because we all know someone. I hope a conversation like this with a woman you care about will help you see.
Feel free to click on the link I provided, numerous sources for each fact is provided. All you have to do is click. I won't even make you "Eat a dick" As you so Freudianly say. :-)