Why did tripod get down voted? (i upvoted so it wouldnt be negative anymore) Theyre right, give your so privacy and trust to lead to a healthy relationship not mistrust and no space, thats unhealthy...
Well if I hadn't dug through my ex's stuff I wouldn't have known he'd been cheating on me for months. So I stand by my decision to be nosy.
· 11 years ago
I agree with reina to a certain point. If you have been together for a while and your SO (significant other for those of you who don't know what that meant) begins to act different or sketchy I would definitely look thru their phone if I felt they were hiding something. If you do it on a regular bases then y'all have issues and probably shouldn't be together.
Why dont you just ask? And if you feel you dont trust their answer...no matter how long youve been with them, then leave....a relationship with no trust has no ground to stand
Because as humans we all tell the truth right ? Nd granted if theres no trust theres nothing, but why throw a way a (maybe) good relationship when you can wrk on it. You have to have some tolerance in a relationship, well at least that's what I think as a woman.
Your trust issues, find out why they are there ans work from there. If you are able to determine a cause whether from family, past relationships or the current one a person needs to realize why they dont trust and then fix it...i believe as a woman that going through someones phone just fortifies and allows for the trust issues, it doesnt get allow fixing or help.
Ok so say for instance, you don't have trust issues. Your husband/wife starts to be a little more secretive than you once knew. Getting a little shifty and/or shady. You ask, they say nothing. What would you do ? Leave ? Let me also add they are a great husband or wife otherwise.
You say, i hav enoticed that you have been slighlty less open with me lately. i have been feeling kind of sad and am needing trust in our relationship and i believe that if i am able to be open with you, i am requesting that you also be open with me. If there is anything we need to talk about or that you need to get off your chest, please let me know......let them know what you observe, feel, and need
Then thats not the only problem in the relationship and a lot more needs ro be worked on, ans if theyre a great husband (or wife its not always girls that do this) then i would assume they want to work on it as well
^this guy!
I agree with everything. Usually if someone is cheating- and they feel guilty about it- they will start to overcompensate in their love life. They will be more huggy or sexual to make up for their transgressions. They can go both directions, sneaky or clingy. It is up to them whether they will change or not. If you look through emails or texts or messages even once, you have trust issues because you let your doubt cloud your mind. I am not cheating on my SO, but I would feel insulted if she were to go through my stuff. Even if it were just a check-up. As well- as I said previously- if you go looking, you will find it, this means you already have the thought that they might be. Then you find a message that would normally just be joking or playful and blow it out of proportion. At this point, you are a villain, not them. It doesn't surprise me when I hear of someone going in aggressively then being put-off by the defensive attitude their SO cops.
I agree with everything. Usually if someone is cheating- and they feel guilty about it- they will start to overcompensate in their love life. They will be more huggy or sexual to make up for their transgressions. They can go both directions, sneaky or clingy. It is up to them whether they will change or not. If you look through emails or texts or messages even once, you have trust issues because you let your doubt cloud your mind. I am not cheating on my SO, but I would feel insulted if she were to go through my stuff. Even if it were just a check-up. As well- as I said previously- if you go looking, you will find it, this means you already have the thought that they might be. Then you find a message that would normally just be joking or playful and blow it out of proportion. At this point, you are a villain, not them. It doesn't surprise me when I hear of someone going in aggressively then being put-off by the defensive attitude their SO cops.