I think it's the fact that people have consequences if they go overboard, the officer has the right to arrest them or whatever they find necessary.
But when officers go overboard, people can't correct them because they don't have the authority or power to.
So it's more of a reaction when officers go overboard.
· 11 years ago
I see no police brutality in this picture - I only see people filming a police officer do something that falls under the responsibilities and duties of their job.
Its almost as if.....and bear with me, I know it sounds completely crazy....you SHOULDNT act like a complete asshat to somebody with the power to arrest you...........I know, I thought it sounded crazy too at first
· 11 years ago
Actually he kinda has a right to act that way. Obviously he has experienced something unfair. I mean my mother was driving and this maniac from the opposite side of the rode decides to over take a truck, my mom swerved out the way and was stopped by traffic cops for going over a yellow line! But she prevented an accident! The other guy got away with it. He stopped to ask the officers if he was in trouble but they let him go! My mom and I had a near death experience and she swore at the cop and was added an extra 200 on her fine, because the cop was too lazy to take her to jail! If it wasn't for his laziness my mom would be in jail. But she paid a shit load for that fine!
But like its not right to handcuff a group of peacful protesters, and I mean peacful protesters, then cuff them to ur police car and drag them along the road. Or beat them senslessly because the guy trips and accidently bumps a cop! Then kills the man! Yes I know people get over board. But a wise man once said "if a peacful protest turns into a riot, it's because their previous protest was interrupted by acts of violence. The reason for riot is anger of acts that make 'the people' scared and wanting to be safe, but obviously if they are not safe and the men or women who were supposed to be keeping them safe make them scared,it's time to act out." Basically that means 'when law is lawless'
Have cops gone overboard and done things they shouldn't have? Of course, everybody goes overboard now and then. It doesn't justify what they do and they should be punished accordingly, just as a regular person would be punished if they went overboard. However, most of the time its a case exactly like this picture. It wasn't just a completely 100% peaceful protest, it was mostly peaceful with some assclown getting up in the cops face yelling and screaming, or "bumping into" a cop, or just straight out hitting a cop. None of which gets on video from camera phones, you just get the video of the cop reacting to it. As to the quote, the "acts of violence" that start a riot, are usually started by the protesters. Whether its some guy that just wants to start a riot, or some guy that gets mad that a cop tells them to move over and then forcibly moves them when they refuse.
· 11 years ago
Actually the part where the guy bumped into the cop was on. He was like trying to push back so he didn't trip and this guy pushed him because he was being pushed too and the guy bumped into the cop. The cop cuffed one hand and grabbed the other and cuffed him quickly to the police van. Then rode while he was cuffed outside.The guy died.
People can go overboard, it is our RIGHT!!! Cops should be trained to restrian themselves because they are here for us, OF the PEOPLE, BY the PEOPLE, FOR the PEOPLE. Any cow that thinks the cops are mistreated do NOT understand that they take orders from people YOU voted for. So if you are unlawfully restrained and illegally detained because you were exercising your RIGHT to protest, and your ABILITY to speak your mind, and you think this cartoon has validity, shut up! Because you get what you deserve!! And flush this COMMIE SHIT down the toilet!!!!!!
· 11 years ago
While it is a human right to feel, have opinions and speak them, it is NOT our right to act illegally or aggressively towards another human being, nor to incite violence of themselves or within others. Just because police officers are there to protect us doesn't mean they should allow us to do whatever we want because that would defeat the point of them. So in your eyes - those of a guest shouting their opinions from behind the safe shield of anonymity - I may be a "cow", as I KNOW police officers are mistreated; I am the daughter of one, and have had to see my father come home with a broken nose, black eyes and other injuries, all because he was having to deal with scummy people who felt it was 'their right to go overboard', which actually meant they became a danger to themselves and those around them. If you even had to spend a moment with those type of people and the behaviour my dad has to deal with, your opinions wouldn't be so rude, misinformed and illogical.
But when officers go overboard, people can't correct them because they don't have the authority or power to.
So it's more of a reaction when officers go overboard.