Yes. Wanna join my gang? Just make sure your mom's okay with it, she said as long as she's going to be a chaperone it's okay.
· 11 years ago
My mom heard your mom is chaperoning and she wanted to come too! She said she'll be able to provide some fruit snacks and rides. And I don't suppose my lil sis can come?
Yay :D Wait, but my mom says we can't have it at my house cuz my brother's gonna destroy the game, where do you wanna meet up? At Chuck E Cheeses?? :D My mom said she'll pay
That could work. I'll see if my mom will drive me.
· 11 years ago
Yeah that sounds good, but I was thinking the McDonalds with the play set house thingy would also be a good idea if we're planning to ditch our moms. I swear every time I go to Chuck E Cheese I see a rival gang member there from the outernet, if we go there we stick together like Funions should
But they don't have those video games anymore D: How are we all supposed to fit??
· 11 years ago
We can go somewhere else, I'm flexible, oh and make sure you guys bring ice cream money. We gotta beg our moms once they turn the corner where the Dairy Queen is
Lieutenant? I'm the number 2 top commenter of all time (now the yearly leader board) I should be more than a lieutenant. Also. I don't like funions. They're gross.
Fine maybe I will. *crosses arms and pouts* or maybe I'll start my own fs club with blackjack! And hookers! In fact for get the fs club... eh screw the whole thing. XP
I'll create the United Order of FunSubstance. We shall be a secret society and only allow admition to certain individuals. The top ranked people shall be the Grand Marshals of FS. It shall consist of myself, chronos, zeus, funsubstance, and shop. We shall each rule a different faction of fs. I shall rule the comments, chronos shall rule the posts, zeus shall rule the users, funsubstance shall rule the administrative, and shop shall rule the buy products.
All who wish to join the United Order of Funsubstance must prove their worth. To the grand marshals. If you are proven worthy you will join a prestigious secret society. And help control the balance of power within fs.
So now everyone wants to join my secret society. Btw. The society requires an excusive contract. If you join you must stay exclusive to the society. And punk have you had a star before?
· 11 years ago
Yes, I had a star for like 2 days. Does that count?
Edit: Where did your star go? Rephrase, where are the stars? I haven't seen one...
It happens all the time. Random comments of mine will just ne down voted for no reason, it happens to mrssparklez, songofthewhitestag, calmthelovelytits, and others.
· 11 years ago
Hey, pebble I hear you don't like funions... Join my gang...
Oh my god I accidentally read "as long as I'm back before supper" as "as long as I'm black before supper". I'm crying and laughing at the same time I feel so bad
Edit: Where did your star go? Rephrase, where are the stars? I haven't seen one...