Did somebody say Grandma Olympics? Well in that case, my grandma let me watch tv after my bedtime. Uh-huh you heard me, that's right, we stayed up till 7:30 pm that night. Yeah I know, we're lil rebels
I feel you, crfwannabe. Both of my grandmas and one granddad passed away before I was born, and the other granddad passed away when I was 5-6 years old and I had only met him once. I didn't even get to go to his funeral because it was in another country and my parents refused to take me along.
· 11 years ago
My grandmother died last summer and that ripped me up quite a bit too.
Yes, it's very nice. It's like having another mom who's older and doesn't get mad at you easily and feeds you a lot and buys you a lot of stuff. I'm sorry you've never had one...
· 11 years ago
Don't be sorry, I do have one she just doesn't fit the typical grandmother image. I've always wondered what'd be like if she did though...