Just FYI for you Hiccup fangirls, he isn't special for training a dragon. Everyone trained dragons in the book, he just knew how to speak to them. And toothless was a sarcastic little dipstick who didn't do anything.
You evil little bully. How To Train Your Dragon is my all time favorite movie and has been ever since before I saw it. I love hiccup because I resonate with his awkward klutzyness, and he also is incredibly intelligent and brave. Toothless is the most adorable thing EVER, his sarcasm and sense of humor makes him more complex than the other dragons. I have always loved dragons, and this movie.. NEVER insult this movie again you ignorant test.
I wasn't insulting the movie. In fact, I love the movie and it is one of my favorites. I'm just tired of these fangirls who love Hiccup for all the wrong reasons. Read the book.
Seriously, in the book, there were times when you just wanted to smack Toothless. The clever little devil.
Name calling. How mature. Maybe you should read my comment properly before jumping to conclusions.
Also, the audiobooks are read by David Tennant. Just saying.
· 10 years ago
The book Hiccup and the Movie Hiccup are very different. I haven't read the books, but apparently dragons have been trained already. In the MOVIE, however, they aren't. Not only is he the first to attempt and successfully train and RIDE a dragon, but he managed to shoot down a NIGHT FURY, a elusive and extremely rare dragon. THAT is the Hiccup everyone is "fangirling" over. NOT the one in the books (maybe some people are, I dunno.) Not only that people like him for, well, that, but people like myself, can relate to him. Such as his kindness, the fact that he REFUSES to kill any dragon( unless it is 50 feet tall and threatening to destroy everything), his awkward clumsyness,and much more. Figure out who you are talking about next time you try to say something about Hiccup in a bad way.
Seriously, in the book, there were times when you just wanted to smack Toothless. The clever little devil.
Name calling. How mature. Maybe you should read my comment properly before jumping to conclusions.