You could go to the earths core, but that's really hard and expensive to do. I recommend digging a very deep hole and jump head first, it is very risky as you can hit the bottom and break your neck and die, so tie one end of a bungee jump cord to your ankle and tie the other end to a tree and jump in. Make sure it's head first otherwise it won't work. Hope this helped and good luck!
· 11 years ago
I swear to God... Someone PLEASE put some sense into this damn kid!
This may be an unpopular opinion, but maybe this tweet isn't that bad. I mean, quite a significant amount of stuff taught in school isn't needed later in life, and some of life's best lessons cannot be taught in school. That being said, I don't totally agree with this as well. If everyone dropped out of school, we'll just have an ignorant society that can be easily manipulated by people in power. Case in point: all the societies before us with large numbers of uneducated citizens, especially with rulers that abused their power.
..... and they would all look like this ass-clown.
· 11 years ago
I think I get what he means his wording is just wrong. I think he meant to say drop out of the fact that school is life, because it's not. If we did that we'd be more intellegent towards our future. Or he's just a big retard.
Some of his tweets seem,well they are, stupid but if he were to word them differently the may have some sense in them. I think what he is trying to say is since no one would go to school our society will be so ignorant that people would be dumber than the average peson but that would be normal because no one else would be smarter. But then again you don't need to go to school to be smart you could have a lot of common sense
You feel me?
"How can mirrors exist if our eyes don't exist"